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Posts posted by d_smithers

  1. Silver in medicine has a bulls eye on it. Digital is much more cost effective. And when you include the off-shoring of diagnostics to cheaper countries (many of them are US trained), digital makes a hell of a lot more sense. Much of the medical imaging software does have a way of taking scanned images so it's not a limitation of the software. And in this day and age with the hyper inflation of medical costs, we will have no choice with our current system.
  2. I've never heard of that site until now.<p/>

    I went up there and looking at some of the sample photos and their captions, it looks like some of those girls are prostitutes or have a porn site. I mean, here's a quote: <i>"I can make you want me without ever meeting me![more exclamation points but the photo.net site won't allow it] comments,TAGs,FR show me the love MM"</i><p/><p/>Are those folks legit?

  3. From the <a href=http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/assistant/editorial_1035.shtm>TSA</a>:<p/><i>You should remove all film from your checked baggage and place it in your carry-on baggage. The X-ray machine that screens your carry-on baggage at the passenger security checkpoint will not affect undeveloped film under ASA/ISO 800.<p/>


    <b>If the same roll of film is exposed to X-ray inspections more than 5 times before it is developed, it is possible that damage may occur. </b> Protect your film by requesting a hand-inspection for your film if it has already passed through the carry-on baggage X-ray screening equipment more than five times.</i>

  4. Josh;<p/>I agree with what your saying - mostly. But I'd like to add that in this day and age, business policies have run into many many pages of legal speak. I've gotten to the point where I've stopped purchasing services if the "Terms and Conditions" are too long. If they can't be expressed in a page or less, then they are out to rip off the customer with fine print (i.e. mice type). The best example is extended warranties. Every one I have read had so many exceptions and conditions that they would <i>never</i> have to live up to their implied agreement - that's assuming you can actually get the agreement (contract) from the clerk pushing the thing on you. <p/>Gift cards - all gift cards- are the worst things to give people. <p/> The worst I've <b>ever</b> seen was the American Express Gift card. I was given one. I read the mice type on the back and it stated that if I did not use the card with in a year they would charge a service fee of $25 - If I remember correctly. Now, AMEX has already received the cash. They have it and it's making them money. And this jazz that it costs them money to keep it on the books is non-sense - especially in this say and age of really really really cheap storage and computer time. <p/>I have megabytes of stored agreements on my box here ....and businesses have the nerve to update them when ever it suits them. I have website that has Googles "Websense" and they have updated their terms and conditions. So now, I have to read pages and pages of legal speak to see what exactly they have changed (I'm going to cancel the service because they suck.). "diff" programs just don't cut it when it comes to these things. It's getting so bad that I am beginning to think that I have to retain a lawyer to follow me around to read al of these damn legalese documents. <p/>And lastly, he was given those cards as a gift. He doesn't have a choice. And I bet if he went to his wife and said, "Honey, can't use them." She would NOT be able to return them. <p/>Welcome to American Business - the lawyers have screwed us.
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