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Everything posted by douglasely

  1. douglasely


    Copyright: Douglas D. Ely;
  2. douglasely


    Copyright: Douglas Ely Photography;
  3. <p>Thanks Shun, the old adage may apply, "when it seems too good to be true, . . . "</p> <p> </p>
  4. <p>I am close to replacing my D300 and will most likely go with a D7200. To my surprise, when I went on line I came up with prices that were quite varied. Some are under $900. Two months ago all of the on-line prices were very similar ($1,250). My question is, do you think this may indicate that Nikon "may" be close to releasing a replacement? Why are the prices dropping so much in the past 14 days?</p> <p>Any thoughts about the advertising in the following 4 links are appreciated. Of note: I have not read the fine print in these adds.</p> <p>I think that photo.net asks us to provide store links, rather than name store names. Should I be wrong, please advise.</p> <p>https://www.42ndphoto.com/Product/nikon-d7200-24-2-megapixel-digital-camera-body-only-/113331</p> <p>http://www.troniccity.com/cc/product_info.php?products_id=424643</p> <p>http://americancameracompany.com/index.php?id_product=968&controller=product</p> <p>http://www.njaccessory.com/store/product_info.php?csv=gg&products_id=224836</p> <p>http://deltacloseouts.com/details/56193?gclid=CjwKEAjwhdOwBRDFsYTfhvzX1hYSJAAfCUcLXqoBUeu1m9pk_7BIl-2LuQ3FigHDI5dPr4ufpf8FLxoCW83w_wcB</p> <p>Thank you, Doug</p> <p> </p>
  5. <p>Re: Canvas Recommendations / Your Experiences Appreciated</p> <p>After 7 years of paper experimentation I've comfortably settled on a hand full of photo and cotton papers. Not so with canvas. I have only used two canvases - Premier Art Canvas Matte five years ago, and Epson Exhibition Canvas Satin more recently. The Premier canvas has very good color rendition, looks like canvas and is easy to stretch. I am not aware of it's archival quality. Archival characteristics are important to me. The Epson canvas has almost as good color rendition, does not look as much like canvas as I'd like it to, does not stretch easily, but has excellent archival qualities. Another described it as "commercial looking." I agree, it does have a massed produced look to it.</p> <p>My question is, what canvas products do you like to print on and why? I'm using an Epson 3880 with Epson inks. </p> <p>Thank you, and best to all, Doug</p>
  6. <p>Using the pen tool in Photoshop I am encountering a problem that I've not experienced before. After outlining an area with the pen tool, then making a selection and finally masking the area to be left, I no longer have uninterrupted smooth lines and curves (edges). Instead, my lines and curves are shaped like lightning bolts or stair steps. What used to be smooth lines and curves are no longer. A graphic artist who uses the pen tool daily suggested that this usually happens when the image's resolution is too low.</p> <p>I'm shooting in RAW with images captured using a Nikon D300 that is now seven years old. I once tried to determine the number of actuations and the result was 1,240,000. Knowing that number was ridiculous I did not try a second time. I use the camera a lot and I'm guessing that 124,000 actuations plus are quite possible. </p> <p>Has anyone else had this problem using the pen tool? Might my sensor be on it's last leg and I'm no longer getting the high resolution that RAW files produce? And yes, I've confirmed that I am shooting in RAW. </p> <p>Your thoughts about the pen tool problem and my aging sensor are appreciated. Thanks, D</p>
  7. <p>Re: Epson Exhibition Satin Canvas ICC Profile help needed<br> I have only used this canvas in my Epson 3880 once about 18 months ago with excellent results. I have a Lightroom profile downloaded with the name SP 48880 PCS MK 1440 v1. If my memory is correct, this is the ICC profile that I used when I printed previously on this canvas. I'm trying to confirm that this profile works to no avail. Epson support - 2 people - has been useless. </p> <p>Can anyone confirm that this is the correct ICC profile? Is there another more appropriate profile?</p> <p>The Epson website has profiles listed for this canvas for the Epson 4880 and P800 printers but not the 3880 printer. Has anyone tried them on the 3880?</p> <p>Thank you, Doug</p>
  8. <p>I just weighed my photo black cart and it is empty at 60 grams. I just replaced it 4-28-15 and have only printed five small prints. The repair man is correct, the cart under pressure is pushing the ink out of the cart. My prints had no black in the print because there was no ink in the cart. </p>
  9. <p>Additionally, per the repairman, "upon repair, the cart levels will only show accurately after a cart has been replaced with a new full cart. A pressurized cart cannot register accurate data about how full it is." </p>
  10. <p>Per Epson contracted repair center: </p> <p>Re: Photo black is not working. Prints have no black, plus black spots of ink are on each photograph printed. After nozzle cleaning, problem is solved and then problem returns. After doing this three times, the problem no longer resolves. Level of ink is no longer accurate.</p> <p>"This is a common problem with the 3880. Most of the time the problem (symptom) is with the photo black cart. Although any cart can show symptoms. A valve is staying open pressurizing the ink carts pushing ink blobs out of the nozzle platen onto the print. This is a pressurized system and the valve is supposed to close. When it doesn't, it pressurizes each cart. The ink system (what the carts snap into) needs to be replaced. Pull the photo black ink out and any other ink carts that are problematic because they are now pressurized. Cost is $389.00."</p> <p>I will report back after repaired.<br> </p>
  11. <p>Problem Resolved: When exporting in LR I discovered a Export To: pull down menu that I never noticed before. It was set to "OnOne Perfect Layers." When I opened the pull down menu and selected Hard Drive, exporting went back to normal. </p> <p>Thank you Peter and Andrew for your help.</p>
  12. <p>I am no longer able to export multiple images from Lightroom to a folder on my desktop. I get the following error message . . .<br> An internal error has occurred: [string "PLService.Lua"] 193: attempt to index field "photos To Export" (a nil value)</p> <p>Any help you give give to explain this message and solve this problem is appreciated.</p> <p>Thanks, Doug</p>
  13. <p>Thanks Wouter. How quick we forget. A long time ago I bracketed a lot. Not doing so for a long time, I forgot how to engage / disengage. Took your a advice, went to the dedicated bracketing button and turned bracketing to "off." I'd sure like to know how I turned it on however. Again, thanks.</p>
  14. <p>I rarely shoot outside of aperture priority. I'm using strobes for the third time and today I'm shooting in manual priority. I set my shutter speed to 250. If I shoot three shots, the shutter automatically changes to 60, 125 and then 250. Shoot three more shots and the same thing happens. This is only happening in manual mode. My shutter appears to be bracketing, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, and after searching through my menu I'm failing to find the solution. Your help resolving this is appreciated.</p> <p>Shut my computer down, walked away and realized I did not mention that I'm shooting a D300. Old, trusty, beat up and functioning better than me.</p> <p> </p>
  15. <p>To add a general note. I work in a large metropolitan area with high density population and a higher than average level of crime. In addition, transportation is a target for terrorists and everybody here is keenly aware of it. I expect the police to be asking questions and I'm grateful for them being there.</p>
  16. <p>Brian, your statement, "but it is documentation that the activity is sponsored and legitimate." Well put, thank you, D<br> </p>
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