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Image Comments posted by photomanva71

  1. The full moon this evening, the night of December 12, 2008, is the

    biggest and brightest full moon of 2008. The moon looks 14% larger and

    30% brighter than a typical full moon due to it being the closet to earth

    in it's elliptical orbit. The last time the moon appeared this large and

    bright was in 1994 when it again was at it's closet point to earth.


    Constructive Criticism always welcome or at least rate image, Thanks!

  2. Satyendra,


    Very nice capture of this bird, depth of field is perfect for the blurred background, but I would have liked to see sharpness of the bird from head to tail feather. His head is very sharp but slowly softens the closer you get to the bottom of the image. Good capture, thanks for sharing.

    Dunmore Store




    Very nice capture I love the warm tones with the muted lighting. I also think the image might work in Black and White as well with the contrast boosted in post production. Keep up the great job.





    This is my favorite image in your portfolio, the model's eyes draw you in and the image flows very nicely. Very sensual, Great Work!

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