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Everything posted by davidmeiner

  1. davidmeiner


    Very nice work here, Michael. I like this a lot. Only thing I'd do differently is a crop along right side to remove the white space. I think to crop along the top would eliminate too much interest there. Really a cool effect you captured!
  2. Very nice lighting contrasts and interesting clouds! My eye is drawn to the sunlit buildings in the distance. Nicely composed and exposed photo.
  3. davidmeiner


    Wonderful color and light. Interesting clouds. Looks like an old painting. I like this!
  4. Very nice photo with attention immediately drawn to the red boat. I like the softness of the hillside and homes. Looks like an inviting place to explore!
  5. Great little bit of light on the roof and grass. It draws the eye to that, although the entire photo is very appealing. Wonderful scene.
  6. Fantastic shot, Jim. Just excellent. I especially like the way you captured the shades of blue. The sky and foreground... a very appealing photo.
  7. Stunning image with wonderful colors and contrasts. Beautiful.
  8. Wonderful abstract. Great color and interesting texture. Love the blue.
  9. davidmeiner


    Saad, I like the contrast between textures and colors. There are some interesting lines and patterns here too. Appealing photo.
  10. Don, I like this submission to the Water Photography contest very much.  Great color and pattern on the water.  Beautiful.
  11. davidmeiner

    Blue - larger view

    Wonderful scene, Theodor. I like the smoothness of the water and the way you got down near the surface for the shot.
  12. davidmeiner

    Sailing on the Thames

    Awesome. What a great capture.
  13. davidmeiner


    Ahhh..... nice, relaxing spot (as long as it's not as HOT as when I was there). Too bad there isn't a beautiful lady sunning herself on the lounge chair! The color in the towel adds to the scene. Very appealing photo.
  14. davidmeiner


    Fabulous photo. Looks like those cars were about to get wet!
  15. davidmeiner

    Tree and Snow

    Craig, there is such detail here that at first I thought the tree was wrapped with something. It's great in its detail, but I find that by cropping out the tree and only seeing the right-hand snowy scene I think I like the image even more. Can there be too much contrast between image components? I don't know.
  16. Wow. Nice lighting and composition. I've photographed this lighthouse and have also done a painting of it from a different angle with tall reddish grasses obscuring the fence. Great memories of the Pacific Northwest! Beautiful photo, Craig.
  17. Very appealing photo, Ryan. Great detail and sharpness in foreground. Nice light and composition. I like it very much.
  18. davidmeiner

    Bursting Out

    Very appealing photo. The colors work so well together and the light really makes it a fantastic shot.
  19. Any critiques are welcome. Thanks.
  20. davidmeiner

    Mahurangi 13

    Fantastic light and composition. I agree with previous posts that the photo would benefit from cropping out the sky. Wonderful scene.
  21. davidmeiner


    Michael, I viewed this in the larger mode and like it very much. Great colors and patterns! It needs to be enlarged and displayed in a public place.
  22. davidmeiner

    Colorful Kinsail

    Very nice, Charles. Excellent subject, color and light. My eye seems to want just a bit more rooftop (and streetlight) though. Maybe too tightly cropped on the upper edge?
  23. davidmeiner

    Moonlight over Barre

    I like this scene very much. Nice elements here. I'm not an expert in manipulation, but I find myself wanting more darkness in the sky and perhaps a brighter light on the rooftop snow in order to create more contrast.
  24. davidmeiner


    I like the effect you were after here, although I would have included a bit more of the landscape. Otherwise, nice contrasts and detail in leaves and clouds.
  25. davidmeiner


    Very appealing photo with multiple contrasts. Nicely done!
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