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Image Comments posted by defrang

    Black River

    I hear what your saying J, I do have a few more versions of this image and on most you can see the clear outline of the horses head, but this one just felt right, in the others the light pole is cut off and the shot is not as wide, I will share another version soon, I would like to know what you and Carlos think reguarding which image is more compelling.
  1. She shares her injury because to her it is another story to be told, another chapter in the book of Margaret, bumps, bruises, casts, she is proud of it all and why shouldn't she be they are all just signs of a life lived to the fullest. You are a brilliant observer Carlos, I never thought a comment posted on a computer screen would mean much to me when I started sharing on the web, but your comments always brighten my day, good, bad, indifferent, it dose not matter, I trust your eye and your intellect and hope to continue to hear from you.


    I am not sure what is happening here, but it certainly makes for a compelling image, it looks as though the man is having a complete breakdown and the paper wrap around his head proclaims NEW TIMES, it mysterious and makes me stop and think, so I have to say amazing image.
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