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Image Comments posted by defrang

    No. 07

    Minimilisim is not for everybody, but I always found the concept interesting. I am glad you took a good look at it and I hope your right about it holding attention, we will see. Thanks Mark.
  1. "play within a play", I really like the way that sums this up, your interpritations are spot on Adam, you have a vast knowledge of the art but I could already tell that by looking at your images. I look forward to further analyze your great portfolio.


    in my opinion you have some great, and i mean GREAT! images on this site. This is just one of many photos that grabs my gaze and draws me into a fascinating world, your world.
  2. This is a wonderful and homurous candid image, and when something is candid and in lowlight the blur is to be expected, so considering all the elemants of the photograph I feel like you captured this unique moment as well as you could and from that I think this is a great image, I will have to see the other images from this convention, it is such a bizzare and unique place to get incredible candid images.
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