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Posts posted by ben_quinn1

  1. I think this lens is often the first l lens that some buy and there is a learning curve when using a fast heavey lenses which I

    think accounts for some of the complaints. However I have returned 2 of these to b&h and I'm still not 100% sure about my

    copy, therefore I think yourvconcern is a valid one and you may want to consider your options as getting bad copies is a pain

    in the ass and it's not always straightfoward to detect a lens that is not optimum with simple tests especially If you are not a

    pro pixel peaper.

  2. The 'wide angle lens' they offer and the 'telephoto lens' are not really 'lenses' at all and should be disregarded completely.

    The filters are also really cheap and should not influence your choice. Therefore #2 is eliminated. I read the photozone.de

    review of the 17-85 and its not good so purchase #1, all of the #1 lenses get good reviews on that site, but i would buy from

    B&H or adorama. I would probably add a shorter fast prime lens and you will have a decent set up to begin with.

  3. I already have SLR with many canon lenses, I thought you were rangefinder buffs? Oh well. My ideas that you all shot with

    1940s leica has been dashed.


    The IIIc looks nice, some of the examples I've seen don't look in good shape. I quite like the look of some of the nikons,

    why no recommendations for nikon rangefinders?

  4. I want to purchase a rangefinder for a project I want to do, I have no experience of these machines and limited

    budget. I want to do some portraits and street photography in B&W on some high ISO grainy film. I'd want maybe

    two lenses maybe a 35mm and a 50mm or a 35 mm and a 85mm. What should I buy for not much money?

  5. As canon users we have the comfort of knowing canon has the resources and scale to answer Nikon increased

    competition although there may be small wait for their response. Sam I absolutely agree with you that weather sealing is

    probably the clincher for a lot of serious photographers, how much would it cost to add that to a camera? Wouldn't R&D be

    virtually immaterial compared to say lower noise sensor etc? So is it a marketing decision to leave it out?

  6. The 35L is big for a prime, if you have never held one perhaps try it first, its much bigger my 17-40 L zoom for example.

    That could affect your decision. I have only rented the 35L and it really does impress compared to all my other lenses,

    can't imagine the f/2 can be in the same league and the difference in cost makes it an unfair comparison.

  7. I own a 40d and I would say if you want to shoot wide and have lots of lens options then trade the 40d for a 5d, it really is the only option. Otherwise you are restricted to some pretty average zoom lens like the 10-22mm which is pretty pricey, if you are happy with that then stick with it.
  8. On crop sensor 85mm is at the top end of the portraits focal length range and therefore you need lots of space, therefore if

    one had to choose one lens the 50mm may be better choice and it should not be the 50 f/1.8 as the bokeh is a bit coarse.

    Unless budget is the primary consideration.

  9. There is a gap in the market for a 'affordable' full frame DSLR once the 5d mk I disapears, assuming the mk II will be >$3,000. The jump from a $1,400 50d to a >$3,000 5d mkII is large, surely there is a market to be tapped here that will not diminish the crop sensor/EFS market that Canon covet.
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