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Posts posted by cory_zerkee

  1. I shot a bunch of pics today in overcast weather in RAW. I took about 120 pics and after doing my best in PS CS3 to post process the RAW files, I couldn't make them look even half as bright and sharp as the straight-from-the-camera JPEG's I normally shoot. I am sticking with JPEG thanks. Less effort and looks better straight out of the box, so to speak. 99% of my pics never get printed only displayed online, so I don't need RAW. :)
  2. Ok guys. After typing out that post of mine, I decided to play with RAW a bit on my 'new' K10D which I hadn't yet. I stand corrected. Sure, they lack the tweaked sharpness and saturation that I had set for JPEG's as far as in-camera processing, but the detail level of the picture is higher. To be truthful, it's not the post processing of RAW files that bothers me, it's the fact that I don't have the patience to figure out Lightroom (which I have, but at this point hate). PS CS3 I also have, but it can only handle a single RAW file at once and doesn't do cataloging (although Adobe Bridge does).


    The few pics I snapped in RAW today I admit looked better after a few mins of tweaking in Lightroom than the camera processed JPEGs.


    Ok Yvon; you win this round. :P

  3. Excellent post BUT, I would not write off JPEG. I normally shoot 90% of my shots in JPEG as I don't have the time or patience to heavily post process them in PS. Call me an 'amature' if you like, but I am stating the truth. I tried shooting RAW when I had my K100D and found it too much of a pain to handle RAW files in large quantities. Now that I have a K10D, I am more than happy with the JPEG quality (after tweaking the in camera contrast,saturation and sharpness settings) straight out of the camera. I am sure RAW files would look that little bit better, but at this point I don't see a need to shoot ALL my shots in RAW. I will however use the RAW button to grab RAW+JPEG of the extra-special shots I don't want to risk going bad.


    My 2 cents. :)

  4. Hey gents (and ladies);


    I am in the market for a flash for my K10D for fill purposes (and because the

    on-board flash on the K10D is weak, weak, weak) and was looking at the

    AF-540FGZ. Do any of you know if there is a flash extender available for it and

    who would make one? I am getting into bird photography. I can't seem to find one

    online, only flash extenders for Canikon (big surprise).



  5. Hi Michael. I normally shoot JPEGS AND RAW, depending on what I am shooting. I like the K100D, but to be honest, I couldn't have afforded to pick up the K10D without selling my K100D (which just sold on craigslist for exactly what I was asking, no haggling required).


    It's supposed to be sunny tomorrow here so I think I will take my 'new' K10D for a test drive at the local bird sanctuary. :)

  6. I just picked up a used K10D body off craigslist for $500CDN and don't regret it one bit. I currently have (but am now selling) the K100D and I was looking at upgrading to the K10D if the price was right. The ONLY complaint I have with the K10D so far is that the built in flash is really weak compared to my K100D. That is not a major issue as I can (and should) pick up an external flash anyways though.
  7. Hahahahaha. I love the responses guys. In actuality though, you are all partially wrong. It IS a sensor that picks up any Canikon camera within 500 yards, but it actually automatally disables some of the features, jacks up the price and degrades the picture quality on them.
  8. Wow. Those are really excellent shots Hin. I especially like the first one with the slight blur to the moving people. I love Tokina lenses, I just picked up a Tokina AT-X 840 AF-II 80-400mm f/4.5~5.6 off ebay and I love it. Tokinas are getting rare in a Pentax mount though, or so it seems.
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