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Posts posted by cory_zerkee

  1. My wife had a K1000 and it has since been sold to her sister where it collects dust in her closet. I might borrow it one day and play with it a bit. I haven't really ever shot film, so it should be.........interesting.
  2. Nice pics Yvon :)


    BTW, I received your K10D book last week. Nice job. It taught me several things as the used K10D I bought last month never came with a manual.


    As for encorporating pictures, you just used html code but you have to change the box below your text box to read "The above text is HTML" instead of "The above text is Plain Text" (I just learned that tonight myself).

  3. Ah it sounds like like my experiences with the K100D. I had CONSTANT crap appearing in my pics from random stuff on the sensor. I blew/cleaned it constantly and a few days later, more stuff. It's almost like the sensor on the K100D ATTRACTS junk. I also had dust appearing on the focus screen like you, but my trusty can o' air got rid of it.


    Oddly enough, I have since sold my K100D and bought a K10D and haven't had a dirt/dust issue since. Go self cleaning sensor!

  4. If your shutter speed is any slower than your focal length, you will get blur, EG if you are shooting at 200mm and your shutter speed is slower than 1/200th. Anti shake SHOULD give you a stop or so though, it does on my K10D. Also, are you shooting JPEG or RAW? The K10D JPEGs are soft at the default settings.
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