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Posts posted by beartooth1

  1. The fisheye has adapter rings up to 72mm I think. The one on my 28 to 55 is 55MM. There others available for it, I would be willing to purchase what ever adapter is necessary.
  2. I've searched to no avail...Could someone tell me if there is a 3rd party Fixed

    28,35,or 50mm Lens that I can attach my fisheye adapter to. I have a Nikon D50

    and currently use it on my 28 to 55. I don't like taking it on and off, so an

    inexpensive lens that I can leave it on would be nice.

  3. It's all a matter of Opinion... Nobody here is paying someone to constructively rate or comment on their work. It's a peer group, as with any group there are "clicks" and so be it. I try to rate some everyday some I THINK some are very good (far better than myself) so I rate them higher. If I think I could have done it better I rate lower and try if time allows to offer an OPINION. Nothing more or less. Some just seem to read way more into the numbers than is really there. Take it on the cuff or grow some thicker skin, if your work doesn't rate good maybe it wasn't that good after all. Re-Think it. Use your head. I've sold a few prints even got invited to a show, I don't for one second think I'm professional. I've a backround in art, I just happen to love photography. Fortunately my day job buys the equipment! If at some point I aspire to go pro I'll go very slowly!

    I think I got off subject a little. The rating whining gets old!

    So no your not a JERK! IMHO ;}

  4. "I take pretty average photos, but every once in a while I post something pretty nice that scores 5's 6's and 7's."


    Based on this statement, maybe he should take a hard look at his own work and the similar works of others to determine if he really merits better than average. Everyone is subject to self absorption and arrogance towards ones own work, it's hard to get rated poorly by ones peers if one thinks or has been told they are GOOD,GREAT, or whatever. I on the other hand am AVERAGE + or -. LOL ;} (So my wife says)

  5. Your exactly right Bob... I'd almost rather have a comment on 7/7 'cause I don't think I've got anything deserving that even though I've received a few. I already have a good Idea what the rates will be when I post a photo. I'm very happy to get some 4's and an occasional 5 is heaven. So If someone really likes something or they feel it's good technically I'd like to hear it. Again it's all opinion! Nothing to get so worked up about. Besides just think if everyone could see the 1's and 2's. Holy Meltdown Batman!
  6. I posted this in the other thread as well.


    "I cannot learn from a rating" Not entirely true. Think about this for a moment... If you post something you think is good and gets enough ratings (whatever in your mind is enough) but they are low, there is something you can take from that. The general OPINION is below average so what can you do to make it more attractive to the general PN population. If the opposite happens, then you've just confirmed what you already assumed. If your work gets very few ratings High or Low then the work didn't really grab anyone anyway so it might require some rethinking. Self Critiques can go a long way!

  7. "I cannot learn from a rating"

    Not entirely true. Think about this for a moment... If you post something you think is good and gets enough ratings (whatever in your mind is enough) but they are low, there is something you can take from that. The general OPINION is below average so what can you do to make it more attractive to the general PN population. If the opposite happens, then you've just confirmed what you already assumed. If your work gets very few ratings High or Low then the work didn't really grab anyone anyway so it might require some rethinking. Self Critiques can go a long way!

  8. If this bothers you, wait til you post something you really spent a lot of time on and worked very hard to get it exactly right and you get a bunch of 3's.... Let it go and get back to the camera. This constant whining about ratings is way more irritating than ratings themselves. THEY are just OPINIONS... AHHHHHH.. Ok I'm done ;}
  9. I'm sure Lex is "perpindicularity" correct... I'm also sure it's probably me.. it just seemed so cool my stuff was slowly moving down the page.. and Josh I did try that. During the day I have time to re-browse the site often, although I'd rather be shooting or editing, money seems to get in the way of that more often than not. So it was just something I picked up on. I'm done with it for now.. It's that "Monk" disease ya know..Everything must be in it's place. Thanks



  10. I wonder if fewer peeps have submitted in last couple days... I marked a photo by Anatoli Dubkov at 2:19 pm its now 2:57 35 pics have been posted since. Maybe it's just me? It would great to get more exposure time! I know you've heard it all the past weeks.
  11. Has the critique forum slowed down? I posted some pics yesterday and they stayed

    up for what seemed an eternity... It seems the same today. I've not timed it (I

    think I will.) With all the moaning sessions about ratings and such as of late

    maybe the Admins did something different!

  12. Here is my story.. I take everything in digital and do the conversions, editing and so forth. I have an idea in mind when I sit down on front of the image what the final product should be and even sometimes that goes astray as the editing process moves along. My sister-in law takes all her images in black and white and doesn't do much ps processing then asks me why my images are so bland (in her opinion). My answer is more processing to get the look you want. Her response is well thats not what the scene or whatever looked like. So her thinking is more purist but is not achieving what she wants. Mine is more creative I think.
  13. Being relatively new to this... I wonder if they(admins) could make it so you are required to comment if you rate. Outside the rate recent feature or maybe even inside. I would think this would stop peeps from just sitting there giving random and maybe thoughtless ratings in the rate recent section. Personally I don't mind the rating thing but would like more comments...I am guilty of not rating and commenting enough, although the pics that I find amazing, for the most part already have great comments and may not require my meager input. Just a thought or 2!
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