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Image Comments posted by beartooth1

  1. HDR can be a beautiful thing if done properly..although many don't like it.... I am a fan. Just a couple things.. the image would be better if the subject were not centered... and the tone mapping is just a tad over done for my taste. Great creativity.. that's a huge part of the process as far as I'm concerned... Ken


    These shots never cease to amaze me... Was the water that calm or something done in post. I've sat on several lakes and never been able to capture the water like that... I just did it a few days ago waited 3 hours almost lost the sun before I shot. The best of those attempts are in my port if you care to look..Under landscapes "Lake View" is the title... Ken
  2. I'm an HDR fan (just look in my port) So I think the treatment is right for the image.


    1. is it a true HDR or just a filter?

    2. Too much sky for my tastes.

    3. I think the focal point should be the tanks..So i would have cropped totally different.

    4. A little more curve or contrast adjustment could make it more dramatic.

    5. Good for the 1st go IMHO...:}


  3. Nice.. Colors are great against the sky.. Comp is good. The detail very good, even the reflection in the green car. If there was more of the image I would have cropped different. Just an Opinion... I'm a huge HDR Fan..I love the realism or surrealism which ever is created by the artist.



    I think the comp is good but some serious skin smoothing would make it much more flattering...Maybe even a touch of glamour filter... Ken


  4. I like it very much... I've done a few of these for people and they love it. So what if it is cliche'..Do what you like and if others like it as much so be it. I might have adjusted the gamma up just a tad. My 2 pennies (another fine cliche')


    Congrats Ken.

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