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Posts posted by robbedoes

  1. <p>Hi Julian,<br>

    From the Netherlands, best whishes for you and all forum members to.<br>

    The things I hope for are:</p>


    <li>Finish my dark room</li>

    <li>Calibrate my Minox, Adox film & paper combi</li>

    <li>Start up carbon printing</li>

    <li>Compete with you for the nomination :-) </li>


    <p>Best regards,<br>


  2. <p>Hi Minoxers,<br>

    I am at the point of putting some Copex 8x11 in a 510-pyro bath.<br>

    Jay gave me the following params to get started:<br />Developer: 510-Pyro<br />Dilution: 1:300<br />Time: 20:00<br />Temp: 70F<br />Agitation: 1:00 initial, 1:00 at 10:00 minutes of development (1/2 way point)<br /><br>

    BUT these are params for a regular reel/tank<br>

    I'm trying to convert these parameters for development in a Minox tank.<br>


    I have read your article about developing in the minox tank, especially the part about strongly diluted developers. Using 510-pyro however I expect some intervals without agitation (pumping) though I think ten minutes is to long regarding the small volume. What would you do?<br>


    <br /></p>

  3. <p>@Wilson,<br>

    Maybe you should buy a Minox Daylight tank at Ebay and start developing at home.<br>

    Also Minox enlargers pass on auction sites. I bought one for €50,-<br>

    After that I bought a friends Nova vertical slot processor, another €50,-<br>

    So for about €120,- I got a complete Minox lab.</p>


    The Netherlands</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>Hi Murray and Martin,<br>

    <br /> I am also at the point of putting some Copex 8x11 in 510-pyro bath.<br /> Jay gave me the following params to get started:<br /> Developer: 510-Pyro<br />Dilution: 1:300<br />Time: 20:00<br />Temp: 70F<br />Agitation: 1:00 initial, 1:00 at 10:00 minutes of development (1/2 way point)<br /> I'm trying to convert these parameters for development in my Minox tank.<br /> What would you do?<br>

    <br /> Bye,<br>

    <br /> Rob <br /></p>

  5. <p>Hi Martin,<br>

    Maybe you can help me out on this one.<br>

    I'm planning to try 510 Pyro on Copex, and other films if I like the results. But I've problems finding the right agtation.<br>

    Copex + Spur needs 6 min in Jobo (agi: 30s const then once per sec)<br>

    In a Minox tank the combi needs 10 min (agi: pumping constantly)</p>

    <p>Pyro in a normal tank will need about 20 min (agi: 60 sec constantly then 60sec after 10 minutes)</p>

    <p>So I think Pyro in a Minox tank needs some 35 minutes. But what about the agitation? I don't want to pump forever :-)</p>

    <p>Do you have any idea?</p>

    <p>Regards, Rob</p>

  6. <p>Hi all,<br>

    I'm a bit late because I didn't get a notification. Then I wrote a long response, hit send and then it was gone :-(<br>

    So again...<br>

    @Frank, Thanks for posting.<br>

    @Peter, Nice story in particular “didn't choose WD2D+, it chose me.”. If you want to buy 510 pyro, try artcraft. They sell pre measured kits.<br>

    @Robert, He Robert. Bedankt voor de namen. Jammer genoeg zijn er maar een paar soorten beschikbaar in 8x11 formaat. <br>

    @Jay, You convinced me and I'll give 510 Pro a try.<br>

    I think I'll have a hard time finding the right development times because I use a Minox tank. That tank has a very small volume and you have to agitate constantly using the hermometer as a pump.<br>

    Using Copex/spur I had to develop 10 minutes in stead of 6 minutes in a regular tank<br>

    So for 510 Pyro I expect 36 minutes. That's no problem but I don’t think I'll be able to agitate that long.<br>

    Any thoughts on this?<br>



    <p> </p><div>00TQPT-136667684.jpg.27abd6a9504fa0adce2cbf0c203a5513.jpg</div>

  7. <p>Hi folks,<br>

    I use to shoot AGFA Copex with my Minox B (8x11mm) and develop the film in SPUR Nanospeed to get the finest possible grain. This way I can make reasonable enlargements.<br>

    The last couple of days I'm reading only possitive input about 510-Pyro. Is it worth a try for this kind of film in this small size?</p>

    <p>Best Regards,<br>

    Robert Slotboom </p>

  8. <p>Hi Derek,<br>

    Welcome to the club!!<br>

    My B went to Don Goldberg (DAG) for CLA and came back like new for less then $100.<br>

    I am using the original Minox Day Light Tank and developed Ilford delta 100 using Spur HRX with it. Unfortunately Marcus stopped selling Minox film on www.8x11.com because he got to little orders... Unfortunately because Marcus included the dev params for this combination (film/dev/tank) Now I have to figure out the new params because HRX changed to HRXII and now to HRXIII. In the meanwhile I tried AGFA COPEX using Spur.<br>

    The Minox tank is a joy to work with and it uses very small amounts of chemicals. I bought mine on e-bay for approx $40,<br>

    Enlargements will be made in a Minox enlarger which I bought locally. Will be when my darkroom is ready.<br /> This enlarger has the right lens and a curved carrier. The same curve as can be found in the Minox B.<br>

    It took me some years to get all this stuff but my patience is rewarded. Nice equipment for a reasonable amount of money. Don’t hurry.<br>

    I which you all the joy a Minox can bring you.</p>


    <p> </p>

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