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Everything posted by MrAndMrsIzzy

  1. Thanks all for the help. Took a close look at both original scans. Not sure about the HiRez scan (hard to tell). LoRez (1200ppi) definitely had it. Faint!, but it was there. Took the hint from Gary and checked the original neg but didn't see it there. Like John and Rodeos rework. Going to incorporate both suggestions in the redo. Aside from that. Both scans were done some time ago when I didn't have a whole lot of storage space so they were both done as jpeg. Low compression jpeg, but jpeg just the same. Storage situation has changed and since I still have the neg I'm going to rescan it as tif. Don't know what kind of difference that'll make, but I figure it can't hurt. Again, thanks all for the help......Izzy
  2. Just checked the HiRez scan. Far as I can tell there's no banding. I'll check the lower rez scan and the neg just to make sure, but I expect they'll be ok too, which means the banding was something I did in the editing phase, so. Back to the drawing board.
  3. In answer to your questions John. I'll have to check the original scan for the banding. Don't recall seeing it at the time but I wasn't really looking. Don't recall if I scanned at 16 bit, but pretty sure I edited at 8. This was edited (as I said) from a 3600 PPI scan. I do have an earlier (lower rez) scan. I think what I'll do is start over with both scans and see what happens....Izzy
  4. The original capture from which this version was derived is a 35mm color neg that was scanned at 3600PPI, cropped to size, edited in PS, converted to grayscale using B\W option, with some minor (post conversion) adjustments added. You'll notice in the sky starting at the left where that tower (don't know what else to call it) is sticking up and proceeding from left to right 3 or 4 thin vertical bands (don't know what else to call them) to that round white tower with the parapet and the tree above it. What might've caused that, but more importantly how do I fix it? I've tried several different methods but the results have (at best) been mixed. The bands are in the color version too, but nowhere near as noticeable.....Izzy
  5. Oh yea. Great comp. Definitely frame-worthy.
  6. Interesting. Like the effect produced by the comp. Kind of a science fictioney thing (I know ! That's not a real word, but it works).
  7. Lots of potential here (wood grain, weathering, etc.). Have to agree with Jd though. Think it'd be better in grayscale rather than red.
  8. Haven't stopped by for awhile. Working on a project to get all the pre-digital negatives and slides in some kind of organized mess as opposed to a disorganized one. Thanks all for the comments and suggestions. I'll take them into account and apply them in the rescan\reedit. See the difference in the assorted dithers in the string.
  9. Wasn't implying that it was. I was referring to the combination. The wrinkles, furrows, etc., that come with age and maturity, and the youthful looking hair. As far as portraiture in general goes. I think it's a good one.
  10. As far as portraiture in general goes, I think this is a good one. But! Having said that, I also have to say that what you've got here is an elderly looking face. Framed by not so elderly looking hair. That I think is something of a mismatch.
  11. Here's my rework attempt. Was trying to give it a more gritty\grungy look. Not quite sure how successful I was. Used the color version, and these are the steps, using photoshop. Auto Tone > B\W + High Contrast Red > Auto Levels > Curves + Increase Contrast > Brightness\Contrast +5\-25 > Layered White Building (Lower Right) and changed its brightness and contrast relative to the rest of the image > Flattened > Tweaked Brightness\Contrast over whole image > Added Noise > Closed and reopened in Elements 2020 > Auto Haze Removal > Closed and Reopened in PS > Sharpen > Sharpen Edges > Tweaked Brightness again > Saved as ReworkOfJCsES.
  12. Hmmm! Mind if I play with it a little?
  13. Agree that it's neither artistic nor romantic. Not sure about the grittiness though. Have you tried grayscale with a red filter effect?
  14. Basically parallel Sam and Inoneeye. Do think that thing that looks like some kind of blurred out video screen doesn't help. I'd have probably edited it out but that's me. Do think you may've cropped a little to tight on the Accordion though (agree with Inoneeye about the hand). Right-on with the position of the guys head and expression on his face, and just enough hat to add interest. Hair, mustache, and beard don't hurt either. Lots of character!
  15. Finished (for the moment anyway. Couldn't really straighten it much without messing up the layers and I didn't want to set them up again. Did lighten the Building and bridge layer but not by much (didn't want to go to far). Printed it. Matted it. Put it in storage.
  16. Didn't notice the crookedness (concentrating too much on setting up the layers). Agree about the shadows. Have to see how that'll work. Don't want to go too far.
  17. Alright! Good one!! Old Lackawana RR terminal. Thought they'd torn it down or renovated. Nice to see it's still there. Piece of history! Only things I'd do. Crop down from the top to where that dark line going across the cobbles is. Crop off that dark line on the left (not part of the image). Maybe try to cut down on the glare or cloudiness coming off the puddle a little (not sure how that's work though).
  18. Right now this image exists on my computer as a layered PSD (background, sky, buildings and bridge, antenna). Adjustments I've made (so far) are tone, curves, and haze removal. Any thoughts, suggestions, etc. before I sharpen and flatten to completion.
  19. Don't know what camera you're using (SLR, P\S, whatever, etc.), if its got a good zoom capability, try the experiment again but use that zoom capability to bring the elements (jewelry box and reflective surface) into focus (try different distances) and see what happens. As Charles says, shots like this can be dramatic, but to realize that drama good focus is essential.
  20. Thanks all for the comments and suggestions. I am going to rescan at a higher resolution and re-edit (possibly even replace the older with the newer rather than simply keep both) Don't mind the doodling at all (one image worth a thousand words)
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