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Posts posted by jr_passions

  1. <p>Hi All!</p><p><br></p><p>I have bride, who is getting married in June of 2011. She would like to do some fun things with her engagement photos as favors for the reception, but the only ideas her and I have come up with are scrolls, little frames, and coasters, and cd slideshows.<br></p><p>I am just wondering if any of the photo.net members have seen or done anything creative with their images for wedding favors.<br></p>
  2. <p>If this isn't in the right category, I apologize, I wasn't sure of where to put it.<br>

    Does anyone know where to get folders like the ones from WHCC at? It's basically a flat, thick, nice looking paper, and it folds over on each side, to protect the print and enclose it. I got it when I got the profile check prints shipped to me.<br>

    I have been searching everywhere and I have not a clue where to find something like that.<br>


  3. I have read my manual. I have done a Google search. I have searched these forms, I cannot find the battery that I

    need. In these forums, someone suggest a couple types of batteries, but I have no clue which ones I should buy.


    I received my Mamiya 645 pro today from KEH, but they didnt provide a manual so I went online and looked at one.

    Any assistance would be awesome, I need to go shoot tomorrow morning for my classes.



    Thanks in advance!!!

  4. first off, buy yourself some 9x12 white boards. have the kids write their names on them and take a picture of them holding it. it helps when you go through your files later to fulfill orders so that you know who is who.


    second - why don't you let the kids choose what they would like to do? Give them the option of the two poses, or bat or glove. I have just done that with the baseball team i shot last night, and it worked out great. Gives them a little control, but needless you say you have the tools to make it look professional. As for the swim team, how about sitting on the edge of the pool with their feet hanging in? just an Idea.

  5. Yes im doing different galleries on different pages. And I already have a different folder for each gallery. I'm doing everything manually ( I tried porta but that failed me miserably and had much more success doing it manually). I do everything in DreamWeaver.


    I am going to look over that first website now. Thank you very much!

  6. After doing countless searches I am still coming up empty handed.


    To make the story short. I have downloaded simple viewer a while ago. I

    successfully figured out how to make it work, except for now, I can't figure out

    why I cannot make another gallery of images with a different theme (IE Senior

    Portraits). I have researched J-Albums, and coffee albums, but I would prefer

    using my site as the gallery host. I have also looked into a few others, but I

    have come up short-handed. Needless to say, nothing seems to be right for what I

    am looking for. I would prefer a flash based gallery.


    If anyone has any suggestions of viewers to look at that would be great. Or if

    anyone knows simpleviewer well enough so that I can run more than 1 gallery at a

    time on my site (or integrate it with 1 gallery with multiple albums).


    Thanks so much.

  7. Hey all,


    We photograph youth sports (lacrosse, baseball, soccer, cheer leading, the whole

    9 yards). We are coming up on a crazy season, being that we have just been

    contracted by a league. Not to worry, all the children have signed model

    releases as well, we got everything covered.


    With out having people put their hands all over my lap top or my partners, are

    there any programs I can use to show images to defer the cost of printing? We do

    put the orders online but parents say that they do not have internet. Being

    that, we don't get many orders from online. We have been printing small index

    prints on paper with image numbers and that would work fine, except parents

    cannot see the children's faces because they are so small. We are trying to work

    out a solution, so if anyone has any suggestions, my ears are open.





  8. I currently attend PA College of Art and Design as a Photo major. One of my professors is adjunct and also teaches at Temple. Compared to temple, he has told us we got it good. We do not have to pay for inks in the large format printers, and have some nice computers. Our building is big, but its a small school, so we get the individual attention our craft needs. If you want more information, you can email me at Jenn@JRpassions.com



  9. The rule I have always been taught is your shutter speed should be no lower than 1 over your focal length. The only way for you to be shooing at 1/30 would to be using a 30mm focal length distance for you to freeze motion. It all depends...if your using 105mm for your focal length, then your shutterspeed needs to be at least 1/105 for you to freeze motion.
  10. no need for kissing any a--.


    We make the client at least pay the base package price (1000 for example) that includes shoot time and proofs.. After the fact, they may decide they want more that a higher package has. Then they pay that difference.


    Therefore, They pay that base price IN FULL of 1000 2 weeks before the wedding - after the proofs are delievered, if they say oh i really like this in a 8x10 and a parent album and oh what about wallets and whatnot, things that are in a package higher up (say 2 grand) they owe us 1000 to cover the additional prints (which is cheaper in the package situation than the a la carte).


    Just trying to think about ways to not wait 6 or more months with no contact or order placement. If you have another suggestion I'm here to learn!

  11. Hey all,

    After figuring out the doom of last year's procrastinating clients, I think its

    time to make a change to get orders in and done as quickly as possible. More of

    an incentive for the client if you will.


    I did not recieve one order from a client for 6 months, after providing the

    client the images 2 weeks after the wedding, and could not reach them for the

    life of me. Another client, (this was a senior shoot we did), I spoke to on a

    monthly basis, but still waited about 5 months to place an order.


    To combat this, I am thinking about putting somewhere in the contract that the

    client has X amount of time after receiving the proofs to choose what they want

    for the discounted package prices. If time goes on and that said time passes,

    Package prices do not apply, and everything, even the time, will be billed

    separately as per the a la carte list.


    Does any one else do anything like this? Your Thoughts?

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