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Everything posted by chris_panagiotidis

  1. Thank you for flapping by....
  2. Utterly engaging portrait , Petraki, captivating with its straightforwardness, eye contact and the all evident childish charm. If for the latter the responsible ones are the genes donators, for all the others all credit is yours. Heretismata file mou!
  3. Quite a remarkable image for the way the apotheosis works for the humble-sour-fruit. The title refers to your touch. Hi Gail, it is good to be active again , after a work-biased  hibernation and encounter again your creations! Warm regards!
  4. The young girl's beauty shines even under the heavy digital make up she's wearing. Perhaps the drawn smile on her lip is for the recognition that your way guarantees a longer visual career of her portrait than a more conventional approach! Yassou Petraki, kind regards!
  5. Thank you for viewing and stopping by.. much appreciated!
  6. I feel much welcome ,Petraki, with such kind comments! I know I owe you, I can't wait to find some time and submerge into your latest creations,I know I'll be thrilled!
  7. For the trouble you went into to see the picture through your eye! I really appreciate it and I do not say it just for being gentle… My remark: I do not do documentary . I had on purpose my camera with saturation and sharpness boosted to compensate for the close to dusk hour, the cloudy rainy weather, and to do justice to he greener green I have seen. So I posted the photo as to how I saw it and not " comme il faut". Heretismata file mou!
  8. ..converted to Roman -Catholic church in 1951. Location: Mecina Wielka
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