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Everything posted by chris_panagiotidis

  1. Μιχάλη σε ευχαριστώ πολύ! Τον ψυχογράφησες σωστά τον απεικονιζόμενο! Το χαμόγελό του είναι αληθινό ( μόνο όταν γελάνε και τα μάτια είναι τέτοιο). Χαιρετίσματα!
  2. Thank you for your visit, much appreciated
  3. © Chris Panagiotidis photography

  4. Well, lethal at least for the company it doesn't like, according your sayings. It certainly got the looks! I perfectly understand your attraction, Petraki, by this creature. What is admirable in this straightforward capture (that puzzled your audience and put everybody in worries about your good health), is the great effect the rug gives with its texture and shaded wrinkles to this certain angle. Of remarkable mention the fine details of this spider~enough to create some arachnophobia reactions! Yassou file!  
  5. Thank you for stopping by. Your feedback is much appreciated
  6. It seems that many of the fellow PNers know better than the National Geographic editors and do not grant this submission with the rating it deserves, it is simply ridiculous! The quality of this photograph apart from its technical merit -which is impeccable-is its absorbing of the viewer inside it , like if we are in the middle of the Alaska Highway ourselves. The very spot this shot was taken from is an achievement per se , permitting the perfect guiding lines for the sight to rest on the far summits. Last but not least ,the extented color gamut in rendering the foliage of the foreground trees . With submissions like this one, Karolos,I perfectly understand Jorge Fernandez's eagerness for your next post,hence his continuous prompting you for more frequent posts. We simply cannot have enough!
  7. ...grateful thanks for the constructive feedback provided, much appreciated. Kind regards!
  8. Correct submission(the previous deleted one was pointed out by the PN member Benjamin Kim as soft-focused on the eyes) Thank you for stopping by...
  9. A lava-born prince perhaps, :-)   Fine effort Petraki, you've outdone your self!    The color palette is exquisite. I wonder if young prince is happy with your categorising him ,ha! ( as you say!)
  10. The most renowned mine of the world, the Wieliczka salt mine,which for 10 centuries was providing salt to central Europe. It has three chapels and a cathedral (!) carved out on salt rocks in a depth more than 300 meters under the surface. Hundreds of statues were carved by miners, offering an unforgettable experience to the more than 1,5 m. visitors annualy. Only 3 kms from its total 287 kms are visitable, but they are enough to amaze. There is a cinema, a restaurant, museum, souvenir shops and guiding in several languages.It is considered the underground Polish cathedral and is a UNESCO World Heritage site
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