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Image Comments posted by soniam

    in bloom


    Thank you very much for your thougths. I really appreciate it. I feel as though I need to get back into my photogaphy more seriously to improve and would like any and all constructive criticism.

    Light of Love


    Very interesting. I think this is such a unique image. wonderful 'lighting' and contrasts. There seams to be a bit of a shadow of something in the upper left corner, right above the angled stem and I only mention it because you may want to fix it. Regardless, great image.

    Newly Weds


    thank you Dave and Alberto.

    Dave, I really appreciate your detailed view of this image. In a lot of ways I understand exactly the feeling you got although I cannot confirm or deny because I know the bride much better than the groom. Thank you again

  1. Thank you all very much. I feel as though I have gone backward in my learning because I have not been in contact for so long. I am always looking for constructive criticism so please do not be shy.



    Wow, great shot. Love those red eyes! great detail and DOF. I love macro and you made this composition very intersting. love the square crop.



    Tolo I love this!!! 7/7 for sure. I have missed your work and I will have to make a point of catching up with you!!! wonderful details and colours. the DOF makes the image very powerful. Brilliant!



    this would be even better in B&W. I would also suggest a tighter crop and a greater depth of feild. This was a great moment to capture and I love the sense  of culture.

  2. and what an incredible shot you got! I sure hope this year is a lot less worrisome. I an super impressed that even though the threat of this fire effected you directly you were able to go out and capture your fears. The composition is gorgeous and the thick smoke feels all consuming. Brilliant job.

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