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Image Comments posted by soniam

    MOTHER !!


    Is this all natural lighting? It is very attractive and seems to bring your subject a softness to her otherwise stern eyes. Superb. i would either soften the background colour to maybe a brown or increase the contrast in your suject so she pops a bit more. Otherwise, incredible shot.



    I was just browsing your gallery and while I find many of your photos appealing, the humanity of this one touched me. The moment is wanderful. The lighting and colours are fabulous. I find it to be a little grainy but I imagine that is because of the low light sorce. Even the composition of the frame is attractive. Superb work.

  1. Thank you all very much. I would love to get this printed someday but I am too crowded in my current living space to have a place for the size I would like it to be. I am so pleased that it has a genuine appeal to more than just me :)

  2. wow! what else to say? the lighting is fabulous! Is this early morning or late evening? even the tips of the mountain face are glowing with red! composition is superb with so much of the sky showing. Great colours / saturation. I'm sorry I have no suggestions as to how this could be improved. it is beautiful.

  3. Wow! I olso love this photo. The focus on the creature is amazingly clear and a perfect DOF to the girl! This looks even better in B&W although the salamander doesnt show up as well in full B&W. I did up a quick version of a colour/ B&W combo but I didn't have the right program to do it well on this computer.


    I am the boss


    Good thing he is wearing the shirt or I might not have known who was in charge! Great capture. The lower left corner has a little over exposed hot spots but otherwise this is great!



    HAHAHAHA! Maurizio! I love it! what a wonderful capture! Perhaps I would change the background to B&W while keeping the dress and the foremost shoe in colour. Really wonderful composition!

  4. Thank you all very much! I am in love with lighthouses but I find them difficult to photograph with a new look. Thankfully this one had a good viewpoint where I could observe it from a distance to include the extending bridge. Thank you all for your comments. It is very encouraging!

    Checking Balance??


    What a wonderful natural contour! The colour is rich and vibrant and the detail and DOF is superb! Very nicely done! Do you shoot in RAW? Wonderful capture and composition. I like that the arch is not perfectly centered/ simetrical within the frame. It really is like he is checking the balance!

    The musician pause


    He looks as though he has been drawn for a comedy sketch. The only thing he needs now is about 7 gorgeous tall girls in red dresses all around him. :)

    Really, this is a great capture. wonderful DOF and great B&W spectrum.



    Superb shot. I love the division as the right 1/3rd of the frame is in darkness however the child is centered. I think I might have cropped the top just below the black horizontal line. Wonderful capture. It is sad to see a child living in such a way. My heart goes out to her



    Wow, as disturbing as this is I am always thrilled when a photographer can make the most of every opertunity. Superb work. I'm glad all is well, or, I assume it is. Thank you for posting this. I love the coils of red against the blue

  5. One of the longest bridges in the world, the Confederation bridge

    connects New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. I was hoping for

    dramatic reds at sunset but the dramatic cloud shapes were just as

    good or better. Thank you for your thoughts and time.

    Sleepy Afternoon


    This is about 5 or 6 photos stitched together to get the full landscape. A

    late afternoon in a small fishing villiage. I loved the atmosphere and I

    hope you can feel the moment. Thank you for your thoughts and


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