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Posts posted by seth_samuel

  1. This is great advice guys. Thanks! I think I am leaning towards the F100, despite the removable viewfinder on the F4, that

    thing is huge! F100 feels good in the hands. If the image quality is what everyone says, I'm sure it will fit the bill. Thanks

    again. my lenses are mostly prime AF-S's.

  2. Hi. I have been shooting on the D80 for a year now. I shot on a Pentax K1000 prior to that. Now that I have lots of Nikon lenses, I'm

    looking to add a film SLR. I've heard good things about the F100. In general I don't require a body with a vertical grip (ruling out the F5).

    Any suggestions?

  3. I shoot on the D80. Always Raw. Usually with the camera set to "Vivid" for color and sharpness.. My problem is that Lightroom can't read

    my RAW files even close to what I captured on my LCD. I find I spend too much time tweaking the colors on every image before being

    able to export them. I just downloaded the trial of Capture NX and it reads the RAW files beautifully. But the layout of the software is

    cumbersome and slow.


    What workflows do you nikon users recommend for accurate and efficient RAW image workflows? My current workflow is viewing and

    organizing through Lightroom, then moving into Photoshop for the heavy lifting.

  4. Hi. I currently shoot on the D80 in "vivid" mode. I also always shoot in RAW. When I import images into Lightroom, I initially see the image

    as "vivid", then it quickly loads it into a normal, less saturated version. Why is this? Does "vivid" or "more vivid" only affect the jpegs?


    If anyone has any recommendations for in camera settings on the D80, that would be greatly appreciated!

  5. Hmm. Ok, so sand is in the air. I realize I cant change that. I am asking if anyone has any tips

    how to best shoot under these conditions. Filters? polarizers, underexposing? Times of day?

    Not looking to change the weather here.

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