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Image Comments posted by gfkremer



    Hi, Christina.

    Next time, either shoot in early morning light or late afternoon light as it is much more flattering. Or, full shade will work, too. This appears to be mid-day light which is flatter and harsher. A tighter crop would be worth experimenting with as well as there is a lot of white with the subject's top. The crop would get rid of the slightly distracting dark areas in the background as well. The background is good and slightly blurred, which is wanted as well. Long lens, small aperture helps this effect. The pose is nice and I like that it is slightly tilted left to right. Everything should lead us to the model's eyes. Hope this is helpful.


    This wonderful image caught my eye as well and it really is just a timeless, classic photo! IMO a slightly tighter crop would be an interesting thought as well. Great capture.


    I love the way my eye is lead around the photo to the dark delivery bike. The foliage seems almost like brush strokes and are wonderful in their textures and colors. Very nice!

    Smalls Falls

    Great classic capture! Nice colors and textures in the stone and the flowing water. I rather like the splash of red at top, leads my eye through the rest of the image. Very nice!
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