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Image Comments posted by fabiano


    I don't want to be the boring guy but, her left breat looks really different (smaller) from right one. I'm not a fan of PS for this stuffs but maybe you could just equalize them....BTW the leather looks great!
  1. Congratulations Benjamin, Beautiful photo and beautiful wife. I'm not a pro but I think that the upper part of her blouse is almost merging with the background, maybe you could try to overexpose the BG 1 stop more with a strobe and got more detail on white of clothes. This is the only minor critique I have. Everything looks perfect, the lips line, skin, hair, everything.


    Picture is nice in this way IMHO. I like the shallow DOF and think this beautiful girl don't deserve to be transformed in some porcelain doll.


    It's a nice exposed photo. Whites are not blown and background is not total darkness (rear curtain flash?). Maybe use some off camera flash to remove the idea of "chroma key" background given by direct and flat on-camera light. Or maybe use some yellow filter (gel) on flash to balance with the yellow sunset light and let it more natural.


    This is barbed wire, It is on walls of an exposition center near work, to avoid having people jump through it. But instead of enlaced wires with sharp tips this one use a sharp blade that is part of wire...


    Muy bueno desfoque, me gusta lo duotone. Usteses Bascos siempre me confuendem con esos nombres...Pero,eso es lo nombre de ella? Saludos


    Wow... very nice...I would try some BW conversion...even some dodge-burning to increase contrast and show off the bridge reflection. Maybe crop square to exclude the building at right.
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