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Image Comments posted by fabiano

  1. Well made...one of the most interesting panoramas I saw on PN...colors are great. The cylindrical projection and stichting are perfect...Just curious about the red English phone, the place looks like Italy or Spain.
  2. Gerry, I did some burning on sky and sea but was afraid to exagerate, so left this way...thanks.

    José Esteves, obrigado por comentários tao profundos!!! adorei as comparações com os arruamentos e centros nevrálgicos!!

    Monument blue


    The shapes created by waves on the side are so beautiful....they show the different levels of white and blue...

    Agree with previous, looks like a Sphinx, and is a little skewed...


    It just looks a little soft in the face, did you used flash for filling? the shadow show some light on her left but the eyes show some flash on camera...


    Me parece uma das trilhas proximas a Abraão, talvez a que vai para a Praia Preta, Cachoeira da feiticheira e o presídio velho. Acertei? otima conversão para PB. o unico problema a meu ver foi o ceu estourado.
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