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Tom Wiggins Photography

PhotoNet Pro
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Posts posted by Tom Wiggins Photography

  1. I'd had my E-510 for nine months and haven't seen a color cast problem, shooting in either RAW or JPEG, except when I guess wrong on the W/B.. With RAW I can correct the image if if I don't have the camera set corrrectly. Try using Auto W/B and RAW this should give you the best options. I do find that if I shoot in JPEG and the camera W/B is set incorrectly the color can be a little off, but nothing unacceptable.

    Bottm line shoot in RAW for the most flexibility

  2. I agree with many of the comments. I really want to get comments of my photos that are constructive and give pointers on how to improve. While I an relatively new here. My photos have gotten 2 to 14 rateings and at most 6 comments. What really confuses me is how Aesthetics can range from 3 to 7 on the same photo.
  3. I purchased my e510 last August. I love the camera. It's my third Olympus, C4040Z, and e300 previously. It?s light weight is great for travel and when hiking. The image stabilization was a lifesaver on my trip to Spain, in October. Some of my long lens hand held shots would never have come out with the e300.
  4. I started with a C4040z in 2001, purchased the e-300 in 2005 and my

    e-510 in August 2007. The IS feature is great and is the reason I purchased that model over the e-410. The new lighter weigh of both cameras over prior models makes them great for travel. You can wear the camera around your neck all day with little neck fatigue.

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