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kari v

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Posts posted by kari v

  1. Manual focus is sometimes very good. Focus around the mic stand (or anything you like) and wait for the right moment. No worries about AF working or not or being slow, just take the shot. This way you're pretty much guaranteed to have at least a couple good pics with someone in proper focus and as you don't have to hunt the band members with AF you can actually see what's happening on the stage and ready yourself. Good hold of your camera reduces shake and improves framing.
  2. Shooting a concert at f4? Yes... if it's outside in daytime.


    I don't know how the light will be at the Trans Siberian Orchestra show but I seriously doubt that f4 is going to cut it if you want reasonable shutter times.


    Andre: There's no point in having the guitarist's head in focus if your shutter speed is going to be something like 1/15sec. (Except with slow sync flash but that's a different story.)

    Of course it may just be that I'm not accustomed to guitarists who "lean back a little" as I'm more interested in the metal/punk scene which you rarely shoot on a tripod. ;)

  3. Rebel XTi with excellent lenses (except the Sigma). With the EF70-200 f4 L IS he'll be well set for any kind of shooting for a long time. If he really needs telephoto I see no logic in upgrading the body before the lens. Miracles do happen but cheap Sigma turning into a great lens when you change the camera body is too far fetched.


    Of course 450D won't be as good as 40D.

  4. Michael Kuhne: "I have read that T/S effects can be done at desk or laptop with PS or other programs."


    I'd be interested in reading how you do a tilt in PS... ok, with multiple exposures and some considerable work perhaps.

  5. 18-55 f/3.5-5.6 or 18-70 f/3.5-4.5 will do just fine for starters. Shoot for a while and you'll see (literally) what you need.


    Lee ricks: "Forget the prime for now. You will find the these two lenses are as sharp as you could wish. Most of the carping about the sacred 'primes' is from people who read MTF charts. They are people without rich inner lives and we don't like them very much."


    They are also people who prefer f1.4 - 2 to f3.5 - 5.6...


    Ok, yes, forget them for a while now, Sam, but perhaps some day you begin to feel that you're missing something with your f5.6 Mega-VR. Don't be a stranger in the prime land. ;)

  6. David: You can see through a 25A filter, it's just deep red, I use it for ordinary b&w shooting. R72 filters cut off almost all visible light. (Both of these work for HIE too, which, by the way, is still available for some time if you want to try.)


    Filter on dslr's mirror? I think you misunderstood something.

    See the picture:


  7. Home made filter. (Easy for film shooters.)



    Yes, Sigma mount is something I don't appreciate that much, but then again the cameras are cheap, picture quality is good and you can convert them back to visible light in a couple of minutes. For a hobbyist who isn't so concerned about lenses beyond, say a fast prime and the standard zoom, this is great.

    Of course when you have $5000 in brand x lenses it makes sense to convert a brand x camera.

  8. "have the IR blocking filter removed and replaced with a visible light blocking filter (about $250 from lifepixel)"


    Really? Isn't it enough to remove the ir-filter and then use a 720nm (or more) visible light blocking filter on the lens? Those cost way less than $250.


    Sigma SD10 and SD14 have the IR-filter mounted so that you can easily remove and replace it whenever you want - IR and visible light camera for the same price. SD10 sells for peanuts and SD14 kit can be had for 500 euros new. (Here in Finland at the moment, I don't know how the price is in the US.)

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