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Image Comments posted by jbm





    I have been working on a series of photos of the sun blasting in through windows. I am in the process of printing them and working to display them together, none of them particularly astounding by themselves but they are kind of cohesive together.


    I would trade all of the shots I've taken to have taken this single shot. The framing and feeling are perfect, the neutral to blue white balance supreme. Gorgeously done.


    Any interest in selling a print? It would make a pretty counterpoint to my own display.





    The Road


    I really like this, though maybe the flare is a little distracting as the green contrasts with the ground quite heavily. Nevertheless it's really gorgeous.





  1. So this was a woman doing a piece for the Boston Globe about a local restaurant in Cambridge. She was using a tiny HD camcorder and knew enough about photography to glue a petal hood to the thing. It was so light that handholding it would give terrible jerky motion, so she mounted it to a heavy monopod to give it a bit of heft and to smooth out her motion. I have to say that her footage looked pretty smooth, not too far off from a mounted camera.


    I did, however, not know this when she was doing her footage outside the place and so was laughing hysterically at the time. I was psyched I bagged the shot.







    This just about poops platinum, totally awesome. How much more of a statement could you desire...Scarface on the cover of a sarape. The apocalypse is near.


    Well exposed, vut the shoes look funny.







    Brother, I would pay a hefty sum to stand in front of this sign. Thanks for bearing witness and then translating the scrolls so perfectly.





  2. The Leica CL! I snuck in a smooch and a photo at the same time. Credit prefocus and the ability to push TRI-X almost infinitely. I was shooting it already at 1600 and figured...what the heck...and took a photo that was about two stops underexposed. In ACR, I opened the exposure up another two stops, the equivalent of ISO 6400! Cheers, Jay

    Foggy Bird Doggy




    I love this image and feel your sentiments. I have recently moved back into film as a different approach to making photographs. For some reason, I am inclined to monkey with them a bit less. I am also recently drawn to more mid contrast images like this, rather than the glut of HDR monstrosities that fly around this site so frequently.


    Man and dog, it doesn't get much better. I have two dogs and really can't imagine how I got by before them.





  3. Tim: I incorporated your suggestions. Although the literal minded dude in me liked, "Muellers Pause, Wally Pees" it was a bit much. I think "Standoff" is better.


    Jeff: This is my brother's dog, Wally. He got Wally during one of his forays into Mexico, smuggled him somehow across the border or else convinced customs that a quarantine was not necessary. Wally is 85 pounds of mixed pit bull, hound, and Viszla. He is the sweetest, most gentle dog I have ever seen. You can tell a lot about my family here: four grown men all stopped to watch a dog urinate.


    I tried this another way with all of the dogs and distant people cloned out. I think the best way might be with just Wally peeing, no other distractions...therefore clone out the people in the distance again.






    Ben, this is really pretty great. How did you light this? Her face is lit and then you have her hair lit, too. STU camera left and a strip box camera right? Also, is the bokeh done in the post or did you really shoot this thing pretty much wide open? Technical details, man, details! Cheers, Jay
  4. The bog flash on the television is distracting. I would have set this up with both of them on the bar making the same pose as the girl in the white against the background of the lit up bottles.


    Good to see that the nuggets beat the warriors, though.


    Cheers, Jay

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