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Image Comments posted by timkeller

  1. Ah, you're cheating again. How will you ever know whether you're getting the 7's for your photography or for the irresistible cuteness of the pup? This is my favorite of the fine series. I enjoy the set-up picture, even as I find it daunting. I'm always happy to see you posting a new series.



    I've discovered that this picture has gone a little viral on me, thanks to runners on the Runner's World forum. I hope you'll follow me to my own website, www.TimKellerPhotography.com . Thanks, and good road.



    A good man

    I like the point of view and how he's looking in another direction. His perfectly white beard and turban provide a vivid contrast against the very dark backgrounds (and suggest some fine processing...I'm experimenting with something similar in NIK Software's Color Efex Pro). It's hard to take my eyes off this very strong image. Congratulations, Nacho: impressive work!

    Another View

    You're piling on the skills, Ray: this is a masterful accomplishment...and different than anything I've seen you do. I love it, particularly the perfect exposure and the perfect lighting throughout the frame. A great composition tops it off. Wow, fine work.


    The scene feels so lively that the title "Serenade" sounds too quiet! You've captured a great moment here, framed it tightly and just right, then added a great B&W conversion. I like it.


    I'm increasingly appreciative when great photo shoots come knocking on my door, so I envy you this one, Matt, with an artist no less --- it's a doozy. Seeing the color one first, the B&W is less impressive...until I give it its own time and then it, too, is impressive. She should be very happy. I am.
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