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Image Comments posted by mwtphoto

    Thank You


    Thank you all for your comments. It is again a sad day as an officer was killed from York Region by a fifteen year old driver, so tragic.



    thank you everyone for taking the time to comment on my photo.

    Dominick I will have to say my brother is - the one on the right, he is my older brother so out of repect I will tip my hat to him.

    Ricardo - yes I missed the light in the glasses, thank you I will fix that before i print this for my brothers birthday gift.



    you are very close in your assessment. I am an accountant by trade - thats me on the left and my brother is a carpenter - so he is close to being an artist? thanks for your comments and take care.


  1. great photo. fantastic subject. the b&w treatment is well done. one thing that I might try is to crop some of the top of the photo off to give the tractor more prominence. thanks for sharing.



    nicely done, very nice colours and nice moment captured. the only thing though is the slant of the ocean on the horizon (imho). maybe I am too linear. just my thoughts. thanks for sharing.

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