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Image Comments posted by isabellathompson

    Palouse Evening

    Nice shot Jim.I really love the way you've used this row of trees in the valley. The soft evening light looks glorious on those golden fields. Great job. Cheers from Australia, Isabella
  1. Stunning! Great use of this lovely soft light conditions. Also great depth of field picking up the detal of the whispy grass and dirt in the foreground. I wasn't sure if the shadow worked or not in this image but I don't think it detracts from the pic. If anything I think it adds to the solitude and mood of the photo - you're the only person there to capture this moment. Thanks for posting! Cheers from Aus, Isabella

    Color Explosion

    Wow what a sky. This certainly is a lovely colour explosion! My only niggle about this pic though is the lack of foreground. With so much light in the sky the foreground can easily be lost in a silhoutte of darkness and perhaps using a Neutral Density filter could help to bring out the details. Still the sky is very impressive. Cheers Isabella.

    Burnt Beauty


    In the summer of 2002/2003 fires raged through Kosciuszko National

    Park in Australia's snowy mountains region destroying thousands of

    acres of vegetation. The charred remains are still there - a constant

    reminder of the wrath of mother nature. I think there is a hidden beauty

    in this charred landscape though which thankfully is regenerating.

    Thanks for your comments and critiques. Enjoy.

  2. Thanks for your positive critiques. Steve to answer your question this isn't a HDR shot - I'm still grappling with how to process HDR images so haven't produced one as yet. This shot was taken just after 7:30pm whilst the sun was setting. As I've photographed this very scene many a time I remember realising that in April the sun sets to the right of this image and not where I was used to it setting (which is more just to the left of Big Ben) The way the light reflected off the Eye I think really helps give this pic a lift - that and the clouds. Cheers from Australia, Isabella.

    Antelope Canyon

    Nice capture Kenneth. At first I wasn't sure if the people in the shot detracted from the image but I think they give the viewer an understanding of the magnitute of these formations. Once again nice shot. Cheers from Australia, Isabella.
  3. Taken back in April I always liked how the cloud in the upper right

    balanced out the London Eye in the left - something I've always

    struggled to be able to do! Thanks for your ratings and critiques. Enjoy.


    Lovely shot Rudy. I really like how you've used both the bridge and it's shadow to lead the viewer into this pic. The blue sky and red rocks as always look stunning. I'm definately putting Utah on places to visit list! Cheers, Isabella from Australia.


    What a lovely capture. I love seeing these kind of shots with the sun rising over the sea. The rocks provide great foreground interest and the sprawling clouds add another element to the shot. Great job! Cheers from Australia. Isabella

    Largo camino

    Lovely shot. I love the detail you've managed to pick up from the gravel dirt road and also the whispy grass. The sky is also stunning. Cheers from Australia, Isabella.


    What a great capture. I absolutely love your composition using the tyre in the foreground to great effect. Super shot. Cheers, Isabella from Aus.
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