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Posts posted by david_garcia10

  1. I'm not sure if you are really learning or will learn anything from the main photog. since you mentioned she wants you to shoot on program mode... i'm a nikon user but 5d is sweet lots of pro photog use that i'm talking about top wedding photogs... anywho, you may hit a rough start on your own but that is the best way to go... depending on your agreement you should have made it clear that you won't work with her if you are not allowed to use the photos you shoot for your portfolio. be her competition locally and start eating her piece of the pie. :-)
  2. I just had this problem and it happened when they were doing the toast... make the long story short, I was sweating bullets since I know I charged the batteries the night before and all three batteries seems to be not working. Took the battery out of the backup camera a d200 and it was still the same... put it back on the d200 the battery was full. I know the d300 is the issue so turned it off and on and it was still the same no battery... Turned it on and off again and it was working... I had the Nikon 17-55 on. So after research I found out that this issue is common especially to people with 70-200. A lot of people suggest cleaning the contacts, upgrade the firmware and did all that to make sure something like that won't happen again... but the thing is before I did all that I can't replicate the dead battery syndrome...


    Though when I cleaned the lens mount there was some sort of residue it could be that months ago I brought the camera near the beach...

  3. I've read somewhere and I can't quite remember the exacts words but it said something like... to be in this business you need to know x% in photography and 95% business skills. Anybody can pickup a nice dslr camera and start shooting weddings... Of course if you want to be Yervant and other top wedding photographers that will be a different story... :-)


    Back to your question, there are many post here similar to your questions...


    As to where and how to get free model or wedding job. I would like to know where as well. Actually, there are many ways, newspaper, word of mouth, etc... etc. I bought quite a few books and videos when I started. You might have spent all your budget buying your equipment and forgot to set aside some money for advertising and wedding books... You might want to get a wedding books that discusses the business side of wedding and not just pretty pictures an all.... Check out amazon.com...

  4. the 17-55 lens is a very sharp lens. when I first got my d300 last november I was in the same situation. the first time I used it-it was getting those kind of photos but was able to solve it. you might want to check out your af area mode as well and select which one gives you the sharpest one. note that f2.8 won't give you a very sharp photo though. I would listen to Nadine. :-) They (pros. photogs.) know more about the settings than I- I just started with wed., photography late last year... Goodluck!
  5. You shutter speed is too slow for your lens. You can do this with a 50mm f1.8 and other fast lens but not with your 18-200 unless you have a super steady hand...



    "The rule is to choose a shutter speed that is equal to or more than your focal length. So if you have a 100mm lens then your shutter speed should be at least 1/100. If it's a 200mm lens then shutter speed should be at 1/200 or less."


    <a href="http://www.beyondmegapixels.com/2007/11/tips-to-getting-tack-sharp-photos.html">Rule</a>


    Can't find the original article that I read but the above is pretty similar...

  6. 50 mm f1.8 is a good choice. It will be helpful in low light and it is sharp. check out the nikon 17-55 it is a great lens. if you do wedding don't use the kit lens 18-55... if you want an affordable lens check tamron 28-75.
  7. Yes, I think Jessica Claire uses kubota actions but her work is really nice... I think you will love the d300. If you get 1 d300 and a d200 and get the Nikon 17-55 and Nikon 70-200. You are good to go! I still don't have the Nikon 70-200 and I really can't wait to get these lens. Although the quality of the photos straight from the camera are great already you can still further enhance the photos using actions to your taste.


    There are many reasons why pro cameras and pro lens are expensive... Sometimes you can't cut corners but if the budget is really tight and you are willing to sacrifice some quality then by all means go for the cheaper lens. You can get tamron, tokina or sigma lens instead of the nikons...

  8. Natural light is great. Like you I also have the same setup minus the gary fong. Thought the diffuser that came with sb800 is good enough. You actually didn't need the 70-200 since the 17-55 is all you needed. The 70-200 is great for candid though but not handy when you are in a small room. :-)
  9. I've read many many photography magazines and forums and RAW is always the best choice. Yervant uses jpg that I know from his video. Some uses both jpg and raw. They use raw when they are not so sure about the light... Shade, tungsten, fluorescent, etc... Personally though I would use RAW inside the church and outside shots where there is a shade. However, I will be shooting RAW if I have enough memory cards. BTW, I have about 30GB but just don't want it to ran out because I'm shooting RAW... It is always good to have a spare...
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