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Posts posted by david_garcia10

  1. <p>dodging and burning?.. actions? like antique effect or something similar forgot what its called check kevin kubota actions, some sharpening... and like david w. mentioned direct flash and a lot of vignetting in ps or similar software.</p>
  2. <p>LOL. Anthony. I'm not a graphi user but from what I've read it is either hate them or love them. Some swear by them and have no problem at all especially the old clientele. Steve C. I've read about the pink line on a post from a different album company and i think they mentioned that those pink line was because of the kodak endura paper (some chemical on the paper reacts with the glue)...</p>
  3. Short video I think will be great for the slideshow dvd but I think that is the videographers job... It is surely nice to have though. I think it be cheaper to just buy a $300 video camera instead of the 5d mk2 like the guest suggest and have your second photographer capture some video... He probably didn't know you are a pro wedding photographer... :-)
  4. I've actually bought and read a lot of books. I've also purchased the one mentioned above and then some, for me the books I bought wasn't enough... It left me hanging but they were very useful though. Try searching on amazon they have a lot of wedding photography books that have reviews. FYI, I bought almost 10 books and some $$$ dvds. Also, I save lots of $$$ by borrowing from the library... They have bambi cantrell, understanding exposure, etc...
  5. Using the diffuser that came with the camera will solve your problem or like elliot mentioned bounce it... sb800 has a built-in bounce card.
  6. if you don't have a second body rent one then rent the 17-55 for your d300 and put your 80-200 on your second body d200?... I would also suggest renting another flash perhaps sb600? for backup. believe you me my sb800 have failed more than once but it is due to the batteries so make sure you bring plenty. bring lots of memory card, lots of batteries for your camera and the flash. goodluck!
  7. I agree with William W on the payment. Give some time for the check to clear. Require to get the payment a week or days before you hand your photos in that way they can't cancel the check after they received it.


    Since you mentioned that you agreed to give them the raw files, then I think you should.

  8. This happened to me as well during a toast. Nikon called it Dead Battery Syndrome and yes they do have a firmware update for it. Also, may people suggest to clean the contacts of your lens and lens mount. I really don't know which one solve the problem but the problem is gone so either the firmware update or the cleaning. I'm just glad I don't have that issue anymore. Also, try putting a small cloth on the battery to push it up a bit some people said this solve the problem.... Goodluck!
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