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Posts posted by kyle_mahaney

  1. <p>I bought one on ebay a few months ago for next to nothing not expecting it to work, instead mine functions perfectly and is a great spare body for when I don't want to risk taking the IIIf into an area... just be sure you get a GOOD functioning one. Don't pay more than $50 for it. Also a user IIIf can be found for under $350 sometimes. But really, with the FED-5 you're buying an amazing lens (Industar 61 L/D) with a nice functional rear lens cap.</p>
  2. <p>hmm, I certainly want the two B&W (Acros and Tri-X come across very differently and I shoot Acros @200 and Tri-X at 1250 making one much more useful at night. Maybe I'll simply get like 8 rolls of KR, a few of Ektar (extra speed, different pallette with less contrast and I can process at home) and some iso 400 color.</p>
  3. <p>Yeah, that's the way I'm leaning due mainly to the lack of a meter (Sunny 16's dandy for B&W and Color Neg, but I don't trust it for chromes). So currently...<br>

    Leica IIIf<br>

    Industar 61L/D 50mm 2.8<br>

    I may buy a Jupiter 12 35mm 2.8<br>

    100ft Tri-X in Diafine roughly ISO 1250 (guessing exposure)<br>

    5 rolls Acros in Rodinal<br>

    Maybe a roll of two of TMY-2 in Rodinal for low light<br>

    Minolta X-700<br>

    50mm1.7 and two vivitar zooms<br>

    4 rolls K64<br>

    5 rolls Provia 100f<br>

    3 rolls Ektar<br>

    2 rolls Portra 400VC<br>

    2 rolls Velvia 50</p>

  4. <p>Okay, so I'm leaving for two-weeks in Cape Cod in a few weeks, I haven't been in several years. I currently have two "good" bodies (other than an assortment of half-functoning SLR's and FSU rangefinders, and my Brownie collection) a Minolta X-700 with a variety of decent lenses (Rokkor 50mm 1.7, Vivitar Series 1 28-90f/2.8, and a low-end Vivitar 70-210f/4.5) my other body I'm using right now is a Leica IIIf with an Industar 61L/D Soviet lens (great ultra-cheap lens btw, good bokeh) and I may add a cheap 35mm lens to that body. My main question though is film, obviously B&W is a cliche choice for Cape Cod, but which body should I use for B&W and Color? I'll be ordering 100ft of Tri-X and a few rolls of Acros, all to be processed in either Diafine or Rodinol. My color body would be mainly shooting a mix of Ektar, 400VC, KR64, Provia 100f, and Velvia 50. Which body would you choose for this and do you have any additional suggestions?</p>
  5. <p>

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    <p><strong>Film Processing service* will be discontinued as of March 5, 2009, BUT...</strong> <br /> <br /> • We will still process any film mailed by March 8 (film mailed after March 8 will be returned).<br /> <br /> • All images previously uploaded through Film Processing will remain in your account.<br /> <br /> • You can continue uploading images taken from your film camera by burning them onto a CD while processing your film, and then uploading them to your account. <br /> <br /> Thank you for being a loyal film customer. We apologize for any inconvenience the closure of our processing labs may cause. <br /> <br /> Regards, <br /> <br /> The Kodak Gallery Team <br>

    Just got this email, I say anyone who charges $8 for a C-41 processing and web-sized scans with the option to order prints/bigger scans had it coming to them. But it's hard to think that big lab's are stopping film development.<br /> </p>






  6. <p>I realise you've probably already gone, but I can't recommend enough traveling to some of the nude/alternative beaches during the off-season because they look absolutely untouched by man. They are completely empty and secluded making some great B&W landscapes.</p>
  7. As someone using Windows 7 M3 as my main OS right now, I can say it's a big improvement over Vista 64 (the

    current pre-beta M3 built is quite stable) but Vista 64 SP1 is also a fine OS, if you can't wait 6-9 months go for Vista.

    Most of the differences with Windows 7 are user interface related, plus Vista SP2 is right around the corner. As a

    Photographer with access to MS beta apps, I currently use the PDC build of Win 7 64 on my desktop, dual booting

    Vista SP2 beta 32 just in case, and I use Leopard on my Mac laptop. All work great with Lightroom, 64bit CS4, etc.

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