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Ian Shalapata

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Everything posted by Ian Shalapata

  1. Thanks, Sam. Your mention of the ride bursting at the seams and wanting to consume the man were components of the image I didn't intend to include - they weren't even a consideration - but were just a happy consequence. I also agree with your opinion of the image not needing any pizazz. I think the lack of pizazz is what sets the tone for the photo; my attempt at despair.
  2. We've gone from sad to sadder in this thread. I'm afraid we haven't seen saddest, yet.
  3. Sam, you mentioned that the three women who viewed your photo all formed the opinion that the image could represent violence toward women. Did any of them offer any suggestions regarding what your should do with the image? ie: show or not show it, delete it, never speak of it again, use it in an anti-violence against women campaign?
  4. [ATTACH=full]1422119[/ATTACH]
  5. This is my image. Usually I shoot more literally, but with this one I tried to produce a bit more of a contrived feeling to it. A black and white photo of a lone carnival worker, he's leaning on the askew railing for support, the exit sign signaling "the end", no one waiting in line to get on the ride at the entrance to the left, the competition between subjects and cropped just off centre to add a little unease. As Michael Linder said, it could probably do with a bit more contrast to help it along. Maybe I'll stick to literal going forward.
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