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Posts posted by rob_ruttan

  1. Here's a strange question, but there is nothing stranger than the world of adapters; I recently bought one that

    allows me to use old Minolta lenses on an Olympus DSLR. So...you never know! Is there an adapter that will get

    a lens designed for the Olympus EVolt series (in this case, an Evolt 500) onto a Canon DSLR body? (I suspect not,

    but you never know...)





  2. Hey, folks...this is a slight 'crisis question.' I'm in Europe and left my

    charger in Canada. My host has a charger that charges the battery for her Nikon

    D300. Can I use it for my Olympus brand name battery, which came with my EVolt

    500? I hope so, because buying a charger over here will bankrupt me. Thanks!

  3. I've had an EVolt 500 for about a year. Truth to be told, it's the first auto

    focus camera I've ever owned, apart from a couple of pawn shop point & shoots.

    Here's what's bugging me: in what I consider to be reasonable low light

    conditions (early evening, cloudy, aiming toward stuff in my garden...so I'm

    pointing away from the sky) it won't manual focus. NOW: I don't want to be a

    complete idiot about this. Am I being unreasonable in my demands? Would any

    auto focus DSLR behave the same way, or is my EVolt sort of wimpy in this

    regard? The answer -- switch to manual -- is pretty obvious, but I find that

    the manual focus ring does very little.

    In bright daylight conditions, the camera does wonderful stuff. But take a

    small step away from the norm and it seems to call it quits. My ancient

    Minoltas -- film and manual focus that works -- do what I want when I want. Why

    not my EVolt?

  4. Has anyone had any experience with the adapters that allow the use of Minolta

    MC/MD lenses on EVolt 500s? My main reason for wanting to do this is to avoid

    having to buy an expensive macro lens.





  5. Isn't there a joke about Half Dome having been shot with flash so many times that you have to adjust f-stop to compensate? Point is, I've never photographed it, and I wish I could. Photography, for the photographer, is as much about learning to see as it is taking pictures. Since getting into it about a year ago, I have noticed that I look at my surroundings more closely. Perhaps they aren't stereotypes we shoot as much as archetypes, in that we are moved by the same things. I have a picture of some autumn leaves that's, yawn, another picture of autumn leaves. Yet it gets rave reviews, and it was a beautiful day to shoot (I was skipping work!) and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. At the same time, I do really want to find something original. {O.K., archetypes might be pushing it...} Mind you, it would be refreshing to see a nude I haven't seen a thousand times before...
  6. Does anyone have an opinion regarding the quality of Cromatek filters? Is the

    company still in business...they don't seem to have a web presence. I'm

    considering buying some to use with a Hasselblad.

  7. Is there an adapter that can put an old MD mount lens onto a newer Minolta body

    that has AF mount? I expect AF stands for auto-focus, and I wouldn't expect to

    get that capability with an MD lens. But I have an old SRT 101 (a great and

    vastly underrated workhorse!) that's sadly falling apart, and I am not thrilled

    with my XG-A body. I might be able to replace the body, but can't afford to

    replace lenses with it. Or: does anyone have suggestions as to the best

    available body for the old MD mounts?

  8. Interesting answers! And as I expected, it's more complex than I thought. Here's why I ask: last summer, I took some shots of the same object, at the same time, with the same compositions, with my ancient 35mm film SLR and my 8 megapixel DSLR. The digital seemed to simply ignore some of the colour...images were flatter. I DON"T want to start a massive debate about the merits of digital vs. film (I'll probably be kicked off of photo.net for that!) but I'm curious about why this happens from time to time. There are obvious advantages to digital; on the other hand, clear merits to film. Hmmm. I guess I'm interested in gathering information to help me make some aesthetic decisions as I venture more into photography.
  9. I've had a few experiences lately that have me wondering about film vs. digital.

    I've heard quite a range of claims about the number of megapixels on a 35mm.

    negative. I expect it has a lot to do with the quality of the lens involved,

    but does anyone have a rough idea? I've heard numbers between 13 and 35

    megapixels. Or -- is there a technical reason that the question doesn't make sense?





  10. Folks, you're absolutely right about simple things -- I was trying to load the film all wrong. I got that sorted and was doing fine until I decided to put it away for the day, and tried to take the lens off...without making sure everything was cocked! I mean, I know better, but just forgot. I tried the little silver screw repair about 150 times, and it just worked moments ago. Sigh. I feel, of course, like a twit, but am hoping for better days. (I do suspect something's not right, though.) Thanks for the help!!!!! :)
  11. I recently purchased a second-hand 500 C/M. There are two issues...three,

    actually, if you add the possibility that I was just an idiot to buy it over the

    'net. One is that the shutter occasionally quits. I can 'solve' that problem

    by turning the release knob on the left hand side of the camera and giving a

    slight tug, as though I'm about to remove it, until I hear a click. When I

    slide it right back in, the shutter then works fine.bThat could be a 'pain in

    the butt' problem, dealt with with a dark bag and some patience while I'm out

    making pictures. Here's the more serious trouble: I CANNOT! get it to cock &

    release when I have film in the magazine. Period. Absolute rigor mortis...film

    advance handle won't budge. I'm pretty sure I have the film loaded correctly,

    though the diagram in the manual and one I found on the 'net are both hard to

    read. Any suggestions?

  12. Greetings,


    I hope you don't mind a real beginner's question.


    When sellers refer to a Hasselblad "C", is that the

    same as a "500C"?


    There is a local dealer selling a

    Hasselblad C with a prism, a 150 mm sonar lens and a 100 mm planar lens. I

    don't know what the terms 'sonar' and 'planar' mean. I assume the prism

    is metered, as he estimated the value of a new one at $1,000, which,

    given Canadian taxes, may be true. He's asking $1,800 for it. If it is

    good shape, do you think that's a reasonable price?


    Hope you can help!




    Rob Ruttan

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