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Not Here

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by Not Here

  1. Not Here

    On a wet morning...

    Absolutely beautiful and a perfect 7... Mike
  2. Pucker up and pour on the power ;-). Good shot... Mike
  3. Not Here

    dark day lily IMG_3421aw

    Surreal and very well presented...  Mike
  4. Not Here

    A doctor's T !

    You're really having too much fun at this car show! ;-) Love the front car but the second one in line would be my favorite... Mike
  5. Not Here

    Working... 498

    The water must be very cold for him to wear all that gear. Excellent shot... Mike
  6. Not Here


    Ha! I'll bet that Tapsu has never met a piece of spaghetti that he didn't like!... Mike
  7. Fantastic, warm, serene and a fine welcome to a new day... Mike
  8. Studebaker! Don't see many of these. Excellent shot and you've controlled the strong lighting well... Mike
  9. Not Here

    TT-night race... 3

    Perfect action shot and the b/w work is excellent. I always feel sorry for the guy that has to perform the balancing act... Mike
  10. He's a handsome guy and I love the expression... Mike
  11. Love the pup and all those big feet! Love the stop action and love seeing your name pop up again... Mike
  12. I've been "quackers" for some time, but as I tell my wife; I'm more sane than most because I'm aware of it! ;-) Look at the attached and tell me what you interpret these spots to be. The last entry, I promise... Mike
  13. Not Here

    This low-boy!

    Great old Rod and the guys are just dreamin' away ;-). Looks like it has triple deuces... Mike
  14. Not Here

    "Lunch is Ready"!

    Perfect timing and the detail, along with the b/w work, is superb of these two cute knee-knockers...  Mike
  15. Not Here


    i love the simplicity of this casual portrait. He(?) is wondering what you're doing... Mike
  16. Not Here

    Working... 497

    This guy seems to have a great attitude with a tough job. Excellent shot... Mike
  17. Not Here


    Superb effort and image.. An easy 7... Mike
  18. Not Here

    Fox on alert

    The EXIF data is not included, but I'm impressed you were able to get so close. Excellent shot... Mike
  19. Not Here

    Coming or going?

    Green Lantern would be green with envy to have this ride ;-)... Mike
  20. Nothing like being in the right place at the right time. Excellent catch... Mike
  21. Absolutely sublime capture, love it.... Mike
  22. Ok, I'm old and as y'all say "daft" at times but the ducks are gone now!  Me thinks you're playing with my eyes :-).  One duck was out in front of the boathouse and two were just above the end of the stone wall (in the dark reflection)!  I'm going to save evidence next time ;-)...  Mike
  23. Two things are constant, the indomitable spirit of a people and the duplicity of the media. Bless you.... Mike
  24. Not Here

    View Larger

    Superb, in fact it's perfect... Mike
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