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Image Comments posted by michaelbonner



    Great atmosphere, light, and moment. There's a real space and quietness in this picture- everything about it reflects the title quite well. I'd be interested to see what this would look like with a tighter crop to put more emphasis on the worker, but I think it stands well the way it is. Nice job.




    Michael Bonner



    Usually I abhor writing all over my photos, but as this photo is likely to see some traffic, I

    thought I might get some free advertising. Any comments or critiques are welcome. Thanks.

    Quiet Moment




    Beautiful color contrasts here- the muted with the vibrant, the blue against the yellow... I quite like this quiet moment. The way the yellow paper is folded evokes a sort of floral nature, as if the legal pad is in reality a lily pad. Very nicely done. Also, was this photo flipped horizontally? Methinks I see the evidence of such. Nice patterns as well.


    Best wishes,


    Michael Bonner


    Ahhh, I now see that you are quite a master of liquids. Are these droplets actually water, or is there a thickening agent added to achieve such perfect suspension? In any case, superb concept, composition, and execution. I love the way the flowers are refracted inside each of the droplets.



    Perfect focus and wonderful colors. It seems as if the droplet wants to roll down the petal, but you have suspended it in time, creating interest and tension. Love the composition. Excellent job.




    Michael Bonner

  1. Ed,


    Gorgeous color treatment and good eye for the subject. I found this immediately compelling. I also find we have very similar views on everyday scenes. The idea of adding drama to the mundane is the inspiration that led to my "World About Me" folder. I look forward to seeing more of your work.



    Love the colors and perspective. I think compositionally, the shot is very pleasing, with all the elements well balanced and the focal point of the blossom at center is quite captivating. To my eye, though, the photo seems a little blue- the highlights of the clouds are a little bluish of white and the greens seem a little suppressed. Perhaps less blue or more yellow would help all the colors to speak up a little louder. On the whole, very well done.




    Michael Bonner

    A Dream

    Beautifully done from concept through execution. His expression is great and the composition is dead on. I love the paper airplanes in the background as well. Wonderful work.

    An Apple

    Every bit as wonderful as the grapes. Love the softness and the texture. Great lighting as well- the highlight and the shadow are perfectly balanced and very compelling. Great work.

    Black Grape

    Magnificent photo and a brilliantly creative realization of 'still' life. As compelling as the subject is the perfectly complimentary texture and toning of the background and the fabric that dissolves into the wall is an inscrutably perfect detail. Beautiful work of art.

    Don Quijote ?


    Lovely photo. The aged colors and the superb perspective distortion give this photo a very surrealistic feel and make it seem as if Don Quijote is challenging this ancient house in a storybook world. Great job.




    Michael Bonner



    Beautifully lit and very crisp photo. Wonderful tones, texture, and depth of field. The light that spills onto the background quite subtly and effectively adds a strength to the photo that echoes the confident gaze of the subject. I would be very interested to know how you lit this. The reflections of the lighting elements in her eyes are intriguing, but I cannot figure out what they are. Bravo on a great portrait.




    Michael Bonner


    Very nice work. I love not only the way the expanse of fog dominates the photo, but also the contrast of focus between the sharp grass at bottom, the fading tree above, and the misty background.
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