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Posts posted by jim_weinert

  1. I only use Kodafix and Kodak states 5 to 10 min for films. I always fix for 8 min. the pink tint that is on tmax films mostly clears after i rinse it. Sometimes the film will keep a little tint but it will not affect scanning or printing. When i develope 4x5 the tint always comes out but with 35mm i have some tint remaining.
  2. Did you buy your film at Freestyle? I had the same issue but on a much larger scale. I bought 2 rolls of film from Freestyle and both contained hundreds of spots after i developed them. Also there was about 5 rolls i developed between the 2 rolls from Freestyle and none had any spots. Everyone told me that it was air bubbles but i disagree with that. I think it is a fungus from Freestyle's storage method. I included a photo with this post to show you my issue.<div>00PU6F-43683684.jpg.1bdc6c94a5cec7f970ef5e85aec723c1.jpg</div>
  3. Ellis, Thank you so very much for taking your time to write such a detailed and helpful responce to my post! I have a strong passion for photography and everytime i run into an issue with bad shots, spots and developing issues i want to throw my camera in the trash along with my negatives. I have tried a few photography forums and disliked them all except for Photo.net. You and all the other photographers here have helped me out so much with your knowledge and advice that i want to say thank you to all of you so very much for ! Im very interested in medium format but at the time i will stay with 35mm untill i can gain more knowledge. Thank you again for taking time to help me and i hope to soon be able to post some shots for all of you to critique.



  4. To everyone


    I have shot and developed several rolls since the spotted roll with the same process and all has come out great. I looked for the leader that i cut off when i loaded the film and cant find it so im going to say the roll of IR must have been bad. I just want to say thank you to everyone here for your knowledge and advice and i hope someday down the road i will be able to offer advice to another as you all have done for me. THANK YOU

  5. Ed, thank you for taking the time to read my post. I have developed only about 10 rolls of ir. I dont keep any of my film cool i have it all stored in my entertainment center. Should i freeze the film or should i keep it cold in the fridge ? Also when i need to shoot it how long should i wait after i take it out of the fridge/freezer ?
  6. Alex thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.When i look at the shot my eyes seem to hurt and strain. I decided to start learning all over again at set out with 2 rolls of film and decided i would try to work on comosition only and when i developed the 2 rolls i was happy with the comosition on both rolls except for the infared roll was spotted ( bad film i think ). I came across a small hill where light was coming through the center of the group of trees and thought it would be a great shot until i developed it. This morning i thought that maybe it was to harsh lighting that the leaves on the ground were over exposed and also i thought that the exposure was set on the shadowed area which caused the lighted area to be overexposed. The shot was taken at 2 PM in the strong sunlight. I was thinking that i should go back there in the early morning and trying the shot in a les harsh light and also i was thinking i should use the exposure lock feature and have the camera set the exposure for the lighted area then lock it and move the focal point to the center of the trees and the maybe i can get more detail out of the lighted leaves on the ground. Does this sound right or crazy.



  7. Im a beginner to photography and cant seem to get a good photo. A photo is

    included with this post. Could my issue be camera shake, dof, lighting or do

    you think its in the developing dept. My shots lack detail and everything else

    that makes a good photo. Also very dark at times. Thank you to everyone for

    looking at my post.



  8. Keith


    When i said i didnt follow proper developing rules or conditions i didnt mean that im being careless on purpose. At the time i dont have the equiptment or space to do it the proper way. Im a begginer who has only a basement slop sink to work in. I have no darkroom and i have no way to control the temp of the water when rinsing and i use tap water during the process. I hope one day to build a darkroom when i get advanced in photography. I dont think the spotted negatives were caused by my developing area but i could be wrong. I have developed apx 50 rolls of film and never had this issue before or after that spotted roll.

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