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Image Comments posted by terrygilroy

  1. I nearly asked you to ring me next time there is a sunrise like this but perhaps better not. I can be grumpy at that time of day/night.I thought a spirit level was when the bottle was empty. Superb photo Pete. By the time I surfaced it was probably raining. Regards Terry


    A striking and powerful photograph but, sorry, I just don'tlike it - the blue lips I think - a bit frightening. However that's only my opinion don't stop being different. Regards

    Yellow rose

    Hi Daniela. I think the lighting is too hard for the rose. I would prefer it to be more soft and romantic if you understand what I mean. Well positioned though. Kind regards from Scotland


    A nice shot, the bottom could have been cropped a bit more as the road is not attractive and the sea slopes to the left - just a little. I noticed this because it is my big problem, no matter how careful I am my seas all slope to the left but this can be corrected in PS. Lovely colours. Regards Terry

    Cherry blossoms

    This is an original image and I also immediately thought "Japanese". I still can't make my mind up whether I likr it or not but it is certainly thought provoking. Regards Terry

    Lonely Beach

    Excellent photo, most unusual lighting, hard to believe it's natural. Tiny bit of flare on the hills at top right - a bit of cloning could remove this.I like it. Regards

    Britt II

    A very classy photograph, well exposed. For me the models hand is too obtrusive (too bright) and her arm looks awkward.But still a stylish photograph. Regards
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