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Image Comments posted by terrygilroy


    A different and haunting image. The out of focus blade of grass in front of her hand annoys me, but overall it has a mystical quality. Regards

    Wedding Day

    A lovely shot, an attractive lady with an interesting expression but the lighter background is very distracting for me. I find my eyes drawn to the very light area over her left shoulder - some of which could be cropped off. Hope this helps. Regards Terry
  1. Nice picture but your 3/3 weenies comment is out of order. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion and we all have different tastes. If you only want praise do not put your photographs up for critique. Regards


    Well balanced photo, pity that the pink wall didn't have more texture. Perhaps if it had been strong side lighting. Still we can't hang around all day though can we. Perhaps a pint of Guiness on the window ledge? I still like it. Regards

    Dahlia in the rain

    A striking photo, if I can nit pick the edge of the petals are just touching the edge of the picture, just a minor thing but it seems worse on the left. Still an excellent image. Regards Terry
  2. An offer/challenge that I cannot refuse. I will put some dandelion plonk and some Welsh red (from the eastern slopes) in the burn to chill. Any whisky apart from peaty ones (yes, I am odd) don't like Laphroaig at all! Will bring a bottle and a story or too. Might end up with a line of PN ers waiting for the sun. Maybe Stone Henge was a group of stone age tripods waiting for the sun.You have my number.Don't worry about time - the beauty of being retired, there has to be some compensations. Regards Terry
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