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Posts posted by www.caitlinmclaughlin.carb

  1. Thanks Tony, I am in the process of starting my own business. I will be working in my own space, with my own computer and software. I was hoping to do more of a package though then hourly, because there is less question of time. I believe they don't want to look at it as me being freelance but more as them using my business for work. Trying to do as much research right now on starting my own business, very confusing.
  2. Hello All,

    I work(as a assistant) with a few wedding photographers who have expressed interest in me doing there post

    editing work for their portrait sessions and weddings. I am not sure on how to formulate my price packages, any

    suggestions? These photographers have helped me out a lot with getting into the wedding business, so I

    definitely want to give them a fair price but also a price that is fair for me. The portrait sessions are like

    40-80 images and should only take 2-3 hours to edit. The weddings are about 800 images. It will all consist of

    editing in Lightroom and then proceeding to doing detail editing in photoshop. Any suggestions would be greatly

    appreciated...Thank You

  3. Hi All,

    I got my BFA in photography 3 years ago. Since then I have worked on various

    jobs as a photographer. I have worked for nationally known clients either on a

    freelance basis or a fulltime basis. I have been doing freelance work for the

    past two months after the company I was working full time for was sold. I would

    like to start working as a assistant for photographers in the Atlanta area

    because there is still a lot I need to learn about photography and running my

    own business. How do you think the best way to go about introducing myself and

    offering my services to photographers in the area?



  4. Thank you all for your suggestions. I tried out the 70-200 and it may sound crazy but it is just way more zoom then I will need. I have decided to use the 24-70 f/2.8 I know it isn't much zoom, but it is a 2.8 and I think that is most important. Since it is for the web and i am shooting raw I have decided to compensate the zoom with cropping. Thanks for everyone suggestions, greatly appreciated :)
  5. Its a very very low paying gig and the images are just going to be small small images on the web thats why I don't want to rent the D3 bodies. I know the runway shows are high end but the job is very basic, the use of images is just for a website and they are going to be so small. I am just concerned with the 70-200 being too much lens(too much weight too much zoom) for a monopod?
  6. But I won't have time to change the lens during the show, any suggestion of one versatile lens or rent both, decide between which one depending on the length of the runway? Sorry if I sound uneducated.
  7. I have posted this question previously but now I am not sure if I want to use

    the lens suggested. I am going to shoot runway shows in NYC. I am looking for

    a versatile lens. I am using a Nikon D70. I am going to be photographing

    details of the dresses and full shots of the models when they step on the runway

    and at the end of the runway(where the pit is). I was suggested a 70-200mm but

    I am worried that is going to be way more zoom then what I need. I am going to

    be shooting with a monopod. Any suggestions? I am considering the 24-120 mm or

    the 70-180mm? I am not ruling out the 70-200mm but I am not sure if I am going

    to need that much zoom if some of the runways aren't that long? I am also

    concerned the 70-200mm is gong to be to heavy. Any suggestions would be greatly


  8. Ben, from what I have heard from a videographer I know who shoots these shows the pit is going to be packed however my client just wants the typical full dress shot, very strait forward and easy and some detail shots. I think the 70-200mm is going to be my best bet. It would be fun to get a different shot from the rest but unfortunately I am not shooting for myself. Do you recommend the 70-200mm? I have never shot a runway show and just want to make sure I can get a lens that will allow me to shoot details as well as the model when she steps out on the runway and at the end of the runway.
  9. Yeah it will all be done inside, its for NYC Bridal Fashion Week, my concern with the 200 mm lens not having the ability to zoom out and that is a pretty big zoom. Since the fashion shows are pretty well known its going to be packed in the pit so I won't be able to mount a tripod to the lens, just the monopod to my camera. I want a lens that is going to be pretty versatile, any other suggestions? Thanks for the af tip...I hate the D70...I always have a color shift and the focusing isn't that sharp.
  10. Hi Shun,

    I unfortunately am just shooting with a D70...price isn't a problem since I will be renting the lens. Weight is a concern because I will be shooting with a monopod. Any suggestions, thoughts or tips?

  11. I am shooting in the studio a clear mannequin but will have to take the

    mannequin out of the picture. I am going to use polarizing gels on my strobes to

    eliminate having to shoot the clothing twice and photo shopping it together.

    What is the best way to shoot with these gels? In front of my soft boxes? Or

    would it be best without the soft boxes and just the strait lights? Any

    suggestions would be great, THANKS!!!

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