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Image Comments posted by lex_photo

  1. I think this is an amazing story with an amazing photo which helps tell it. The only thing that stands out to me is that I would like a bit cropped off the top. But the more I look at it, the more I like it as is. Thanks for sharing - Lex


    This is interesting. It feels like it's missing something, but I can't put my finger on it. I think I'd almost like it better if you cropped it down to the lit part of the building, but then you do miss the moon. Sorry I can't be of more help, - Lex

    The carnival

    Don't worry, it really wasn't that fast, it was just a very long exposer at 3. Still I think it's funny how this tame ride for toddlers looks a bit more thrilling(?). See you around - Lex


    Thanks for all the comments, I'm going to have to go back and try a few things with this image now... or maybe just take another trip to Sydney... Okay re editing the photo is more in my price range, the Sydney trip will have to wait. Thanks again all for the comments, they really help! - Lex


    Beautiful. I love the softness of the light. wonderful choice of exposure and the crop as well. Very well done, thanks for sharing - Lex


    This is a very interesting photo. I think I would have cropped a bit closer into the hole, and then used a slightly longer exposer to highlight this area. I hope this helps - Lex


    I can't decide if I'd like more light to see the eyes of the cow, or as it is with the mystery and darkness that this photo brings. It's a wonderful photo and definitely gives off a powerful mood. Thanks for sharing - Lex

    The dark side.

    This is very intriguing. It seems that the horizon is slightly tilted, and I think the colors could be slightly more saturated in order to bring more attention to the contrast between the sky and the skyline. Great photo and I hope this helps - Lex



    Any thoughts? I wonder if this should be cropped a bit on the bottom and the top to

    give it more of a panorama view. Thanks in advance - Lex

    no name

    Beautiful, it reminds me of rain falling over some stone, maybe a fountain instead of rain now that I think about it. I love the colors and the soft lines. Thanks for sharing - Lex

    Have a seat

    I'm not sure what it is about this photo that draws me to it, but it's wonderful. I love the lines that all the chairs make and the color treatment you have used. It's very soothing. thanks for sharing - Lex


    This looks like a wonderful place to work. Maybe just a bit more light, but I do like the light through the windows. Thanks for sharing - Lex
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