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shots worth sharing

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Image Comments posted by shots worth sharing


    Very nice but there seems to be a sharp change in light gradient amidships (separated by the line to the end of the spar on the fore-mast.)

    Clara Unfocused

    No, I hadn't thought of B&W because I thought the pastelish colors were a fundamental strength of this image. I'll certainly give it a try. I do love color but it's true that B&W (which I haven't done for decades) can bring out qualities in images which aren't revealed in color. Thanks for the suggestion!


    This is a very nice photo: a bit too melodramatic for my tastes but not really over the top. I think the bottom half of the water's edge has enough going for it that if you cropped out the bridge entirely it could be a very nice composition on its own.

    Snowy Dawn


    Thanks for the comment, J. I think your observation, "as if there should be something else there" is exactly right. Perversely, that helps explain why it has such fascination for me: the layers of trees suck you in toward a vague focal point--but there's nothing there! Not only do I fall for it every time, but there's something metaphorical in that for me. Then it's, "Oh well, it's dawn--maybe a bird will show up."


    The background of the picture is that it was one of those sticky, windless snows so the branches were covered out to the very tips. I stumbled out of bed, grabbed the camera, went out on the back porch and shot. When the flash went off, I grumbled, thinking it a stupid mistake, and I shot a few more, flashless. Of course, the flashless shots were really dull: it's the flash on the foreground trees that gives the first shot interest.



    Man-eating Flower

    Thanks for the suggestion. This photo was more or less a discard from our trip to England (didn't make the "album" of distinctly English scenes) but, on a second look, it struck me as interesting on its own terms, without reference to its context. Your suggestion is a good one. To date I've been trying to eliminate motion from my shots: going forward, I'll look for opportunities for incorporating it into photos. Carnivals would be a good venue for that, too.
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