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shots worth sharing

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Posts posted by shots worth sharing

  1. Please help me understand this:

    My dslr has a 2:3 aspect ratio and it's easy to get 4x6 inch prints (sort

    of--see below) but few on-line printers offer 2:3 enlargements between 4x6 and

    20x30. If 2:3 is so darn standard why is is so hard to get 6x9, 8x12 or 12x18



    Also, I ordered a bunch of 4x6 prints from ritzpix and thought it would be nice

    if they had borders: turns out the borders came at the expense of image (that is

    things got cut off)--is that standard operating procedure?

  2. The k100d & Tamron 18-250 served me well traveling this summer--but then I'm a newbie. At home, I start out with the 43mm prime on the camera and the Tamron in the bag: on the road, the reverse.
  3. Thanks for the input and encouragement, Bill! I'm kind of fond of that one, too because it's sharp in the center and softens toward the near edge. I only wish I'd gotten all the edge in the frame but I'm learning that's not necessarily a major defect.


    I really like your Dallas Texas Waterfall, by the way.

  4. I agree, James. The group in F2 & 9, for example, was about 18 inches across. I couldn't figure out how to provide some reference with regard to scale without inserting something jarringly incongruous-- like, what, car keys or a cigarette lighter? All I could do was focus on them as visual objects.


    Also, the shots I took to give some indication of the breadth of the group as a whole (spanning 10-12 feet of log) were aesthetic rejects.

    I'm attaching one.

  5. Don't worry, my gear is fine--this is an infestation of a different kind.


    I lucked into an amazing group of wild fungus yesterday and went nuts, shooting

    like a sit-com glutton at a wedding reception. After a moderately ruthless

    preliminary winnowing, I've ended up with nine shots which I think have

    reasonable merit but that's still way more than I think I want to include in my

    portfolio--I was thinking maybe two or three.


    So, before I get down to the agonizing choices, I thought I'd invite you folks

    to weigh in. If you're inclined, check 'em out at


    and let me know (either here or as comments on the photos themselves) which ones

    you'd recommend as "keepers." As always, suggestions for improvements are




  6. Thanks all for your suggestions. I did go spend the rebate on my 43mm prime on Lightroom (with an educational discount) It'll take a while for me to get acquainted with it but my intialy reaction is the usual combination of "OH, WOW!" and "@%%$#!" Wish me luck!
  7. Those aren't spelling errors--the post was written in Farsi! (Firefox seems to disagree with Wikipedia about the spelling of Farsi--and Wikipedia!)


    Keep in mind that one of the delightful things about this site is that it's an international community. My (American) English spell checker isn't any help if I tried to post in Romanian and, presumably, the reverse is true.

  8. "kinda hard to compare those two programs, as they're designed to do different things." Actually, that was exactly the clarification I was after. The Adobe website really isn't very clear about these distinctions since they package some editing functionality into Lightroom and some organizing features into PS/e and describe them both in all-in-one terms (with heavy emphasis on how you can turn your photos into doilies and other creations).


    Based on this discussion, I think I'll acquire Lightroom--because my immediate need is for the file conversion and work flow functionality --and continue to use the familiar PS/e3 for image enhancement purposes.


    Thanks, all, for your help!

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