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Image Comments posted by dianadeaver

    Nora 1093




    I love the sharpness and detail in your image, so on a technical side you nailed it. On the composition side (of course I would have liked to see the hair frizies tamed :))) I wish she was facing the light source. She obviously has amazing eyes so more light towards her face would have revealed more details and her iris and have provided us with the "moist" look that highlights bring.

    Overall it's a good her portraait I would want framed if I was her mother.


    I don't know much about macro photography but this is strikes me as an excellent photograph. If the purpose of macro is to show me something I cannot see with my plain eye, then this has achieved it's purpose. I love the detail of the water on the bug.It reminds me of how amazing and simple life is, and how lucky I am to have my showers in private (smile). I love that the bug is on top of the leaf...it's like us humans ...whenever we're in the up-swing of things we try to grab on and stay there for a while...This image simply puts me in a good mood.
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