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Posts posted by southjerseyphotos

  1. <p>Well There is no Perfect all around lens,Everyone does a little different when taking a picture.I remember taking shots with my moms camera using 120 b&w and getting great shots.My 2cents is to read all comments narrowing it down to lens or two and throw the dice,If you dont like that lens sell it.Sure you will lose some money on the deal but thats part of the game.Good luck in your choice I am sure you will have fun!</p>
  2. David I also agree with you on this lens(16-85vr) I like it as a walk around lens,so far good Results.Well as soon as they put VR on that lens They double the price.So now I guess will sell my 24mm-85mm AFS.I do like the VR alot.
  3. F2.8 There is nothing like it.I have the Nikon 70mm-200mm F2.8 that extra light means alot.It also goes back to what style of photos you are taking and getting paid for.Hey if it works for you then go for it.But try to find some close to you that has it and try it out then make your mind up
  4. The Nikon D50 only takes photos in color.


    You can use a computer program to change any color photo into black and white, but the results won't be the same.

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