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Posts posted by bruno_gaurish

  1. Thanks for all the infos; I'll consider the 80-400 since I need to travel light and half a dozen of prime lenses is just not an option.

    I also prefer to stick with the camera bran rather than sigma etc...

    Right now I have canon bodies and use the 70-300 DO canon lens witch is very compact and handy. Image quality is less than the L serie but not enough to justify the extra weight/size.

  2. I own the 70-300DO and have used it during my last trip to India (4months) I loved it because of its size/weight. Always in my waist bag with second body/17-85mm. Recently I bought the 100-400L to get sharper pictures. The difference is not so big to justify the 100-400L I took the attached pictures with both lenses, same setting. First number is the lens (70 or 100 for 70-300 or 100-400) second number is the aperture. See by yourself
  3. HI Folks, I am about to switch from Canon to Nikon because of many features

    nikon has for tropical traveler/street photographer like me. I am waiting for

    the D300 body. I have heard so many good things about the 18-200 nikkor, but

    sometimes I need a longer range, like 300mm, even 400mm (I'm aware of the crop

    factor) What would be the best zoom in this class in term of IQ with a "not so

    huge size/weight/price" like the 200-400? The 80-400 nikkor don't have very

    good reviews, are Sigma or Tamron any better choice?

  4. A friend of mine (traveller photographer) keep telling me how good is her Nikon 18-200 I know it's a Canon forum but I too am a traveller about to upgrage my Canon equipment and I am now waiting to see how good is the new D300 (then I'll have the camera weathersealed)
  5. Woao! lots of infos. Thanks to all. Since I shoot a lot in low light with high iso, noise is important to me. The fact that more light get to the sensor makes a lot of sense too. I guess my next rig will be the 5D with the 24/105mm and the 40D with my 70/300DO that I really like (BTW I recently made some test between the 70/300DO and the 100/400L and the difference is so small! Won't justify the extra size/weight) The other option is to go with the nikon D300 (assuming the noise in high ISO is ok) and the 18/200 that is supposed to be excellent. I do street/travel photography in tropical environment so weatherseal, size, weight are important.
  6. OK, I've heard so many different stories... Beside the crop factor for your

    lenses, what is really the difference in term of photo quality between a full

    frame sensor and a cropped one like the 1.5 ratio of the 40D or D300 nikon?

    Forget the scientific explanation, what is the result? Say on a 20'x 30'

    print, what would be the difference? Why some people say that for big

    telephoto it is better with the 1.5 sensor? I understand that the 400mm lens

    become a 600mm but what about the quality of the photo?

  7. Well, I don't shoot under dust storm but I shoot in India witch is very dusty and humid. All the photographers over there use nikon, suposely because it holds the weather better (or maybe b/c they already have the lenses...) Anyway, I wonder if the weatherseal is of any help for tropical moisture/humidity?
  8. Im about to buy the eos 5d with the 24~105 and I am debating between the 100~400 IS or the 70~200 f4 IS with the 1.4 TC Is there really a difference in sharpness? the cost is about the same, weight is not, right now I use the 70~300 DO with my eos 20d and I often go up to 280mm (not very sharp!)
  9. Yes Alan, I use the 70x300 in low light situation... The reason is that I carry in a waist bag (lowepro orion) 2 20D with their own lenses, extra battery and flash card and cleaning stuff. It is very compact so I can be very fast to move, to shoot and I am still very discreet. I love my set up for what I do. Of course I'd love to use faster lenses but it wont fit my bag.

    I think I will keep 1 20d with the 70x300 DO and buy the 5d with the 24x105 to replace the second 20d.

  10. Thanks dave for your post. In fact, I shoot mostly in tropical country, very humid if not wet... I had problems with my 20ds after 4 ruff months in India. Most photographers I met over there use nikon b/c better sealed. However they use flash too! I like the size of the 5D that is more discreet than the 1D3. I use the 70x300 DO for the same reason. Did you notice a significative difference in focusing under low light between the 5D and the 1D3?

    I work for humanitarian organizations and my printing can be pretty big sometimes...

  11. I'm about to replace my 2 20D for new cameras. I shoot mostly street

    photography in very low light. Canon used to be much better than nikon in term

    of low noise in high iso; is it still true? Now what about the performance of

    the new 1DMarkIII compare to the 5D?

    Is anyone know if a new version of the 5D is coming soon?



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