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dennis lee

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Image Comments posted by dennis lee

  1. Hi Reed, Nice to see you back in the neighborhood. Ya, she's a little flat. Guess that's what I expected though, working on a flat sheet of glass. My intention was to come up with something commercial to satisfy my current fascination with leaves. I must say though, the quality and definition is AMAZING. I Scanned on a fully covered 12x17 bed at 600dpi-100%. I did some water lillies where you could see these tiny tiny little bugs...anyway, here's a little triptych I put together, what do you think?


    Fall Rainbow

    Nice job Tom, I like this one quite a bit. I think it's stronger than the barn shot. Partly because of sharpness, and mostly because of the beautiful mosaic you've found here. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Too many great shots in this folder, this one could be one of the best on this entire site. Anyway, it's great to see some great photojournalism and documentary work. If I ever decide to go back to work I'll certainly send a book over to you guys.

    Simply Vermont


    Just moved to upstate New York, and I have to admit, a good 'Fall Foliage' shot is tougher to get than it would appear. Damn power lines, it's like you gotta get outta your car or something. Nice shot. Keep the white, it's more like gallery framing. I find the grass in the right corner a little uncommitted, fine shot however. You know, forget I said that about the grass, it's just right.


    Thanks for sharing.

  3. From my classics file, technically poor but certainly different and

    hopefully worth a look. This was done at the tail end of the

    County Fair era offering "Wow Amusement," and the beginning of

    my photojournalism career.

  4. A patriotic theme was requested by the magazine and after the

    two shoots out at the statue where thwarted due to weather, this

    composite was put together. Four images, three on film; plane,

    statue and sky, with one layer (the flag) done on scanner. The

    original has more warmth which I am unable to reproduce for

    this web image. Perhaps somebody can clue me in on how to

    get an accurate reproduction on the web. Thankyou.

  5. As soon as I saw this I thought that rock on the left looked like a big face. I think the hot light up top distracts from the beautiful open shade, reverberating light down in the bottom.

    I'm sorry, but I had to play with your picture and crop it a bit. Hope you don't mind, and thanks for sharing. I think you did fine without the tripod, don't sweat it. Lean against the wall if you need to and keep your elbows in and down for stabilization. Whenever I see photographer shooting a verical with their elbow out high to the right I know they don't have a clue. All that's needed is to turn the camera around, know what I mean, anyway, I'm a ramblin'. Nice shot and thanks again.

  6. There's no framing like full-framing! Back in my motorcycle days, guys would have these huge parties and set up oval race courses using two cones 30-50+ yards apart. The motto was 'Run what you brung!' Meaning, it don't matter what you rode to the party...race with it now! For some reason, I always associate that slogan with using the entire frame that you have in any given format. Kinda like, well, this is the camera you took out today, use it! to it's fullest! Full frame baby. As far as this shot goes, I think it's the high key effect that makes it successful. The garage door on the left with it's lower key shadow takes away from the effectiveness. I don't find this one as strong as your other shots for some reason. I look at this shot and wish you had moved in a little closer I guess. Maybe closer enough to lose that garage door on the left and the 'Paul Bailey' sign on the right. I like the austere, white heat, everything blown out day quality about the location. Just think it could have been stronger. However, I obviously like it well enough to go on and on here about it. So, nice shot, got another version?


    Have you gone inside? I imagine you could get some great portraits with your boy in there. Maybe even some 'Duane Michaels dream' type stuff. Nice shot.
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