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frank uhlig

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Image Comments posted by frank uhlig

    Mesa Arch

    Photographers = Nitpickers?

    This discussion is sounding sad: on the one hand is a gorgeous picture to view, study, emote to; on the other there are the celebral who wonder whether a 7/7 picture can actually be such.

    How can everyone here get into a beautiful orange/red bath of rock and sun and space and not feel? Do we go to a concert and critique the hairdo of one of the musicians? Can we as phnetters not emote and let 7/7 alone?

    Are we emotionally starved, dead? Like an exhausted battery? Shell without inner substance?

    What better composition is there for the arch? And does it matter? 99% is close enough in my eyes and this picture releases great awe in me, not composition nitpicking or "originality" blank face orgasms.

    Sorry, guys, but I miss a true human and feeling response...

    Why is anyone taking pictures? Seriously, why? And why can't we see?

  1. If you look, you will see plenty of footprints leading to/away from the driver (left) side of the one car that has moved, none for the passenger side. So, all the many cars that have slipped in and out of this spot (the other car has not moved at all, observe the snow on it) had only ONE person in them is my conclusion here.


    Just as in the USA, so it is in Moscow now, too: 4000 lb machines of steel designed for 4, used by only one lonely person ...


    Enough of a human story for now? [Try to locate your imagination, folks, somewhere; activate it, this process helps in seeing and visualizing pictures worth the taking ... ]


    I am amazed that so many ph-netters have apparently lost their eye for imagination. Sorry to have to point this out on such a lovely picture with many a story to tell. Wake up, or survive on wedding pictures of the ordinary, if you must ...

  2. Unsharp, horizon tilted, almost centered, busy scene, cut chandelier and people legs; all this makes for a so-so picture. Nothing

    to marvel at. Maybe if you had swung your camera to vertical, maybe ...


    These kind of pics remind me of the tourist bus passenger shots of the Eiffel tower. Incidental pics; no way to compose out of this perspective ... Sorry, you had no chance here; you were moving along with the crowd, not composing ... not seeing ... Cartier-Bresson could take such scenes convincingly in your tourist trappy situation, but he was ... gooood!


    Try again to see a picture, rather than snap away as if in Paris ..

  3. There is something missing here, and there are too many things cut off.


    Maybe a vertical orientation could have helped, or a close up ... I just do not like it; unsuccessful composition to my taste

  4. Dear Francis,


    If you had used a smaller microdrive, less than your 1 gig one, the towers would not have leaned in so much. On that big drive, the data wants to huddle together in the otherwise void of data space.


    Nice try! But what does the Microdrive contribute to the picture?


    Maybe your footwear would be more important to record: taken in Birkenstocks, or inside some Nikes, Adidas, Reebok, ... ...



    First reaction:


    As I understand it, the basis for this is a photo; then it was pastelizized in some fashion using photoshop.


    Could I upload a picture of an oil painting made from a photo here, too?


    As a photo this rates: does not apply/does not apply, right?


    Update a few days later:


    When I was done, I realized that I had seen such unnatural colors, pictures around where I live, when the mall's empty stalls fill up with "country art" stores before Christmas: They sell such pictures, done cheaply and kitschy in acrylic; for decorations fit to be hung in a mobile home; trailers; that kind of art over the couch of c potatoes ....


    I also recalled that you might want to check out Maurice Utrillo. He does (did?) Paris genre scenes, streets, awnings, a bit off color, ... maybe 50 years ago. Go to Europe and any museum worth its salt has a couple. Famous painter. So you are not alone, by no means, but this is not photography; not drawn by light, but by the brush (and mouse) of photoshop ...


    It may appeal to some, to others it is just plain kitsch; choose your trailer, so to say.

    Ifuago Indian


    I always try to learn some more: Are there Indians in the Philipines?


    Mind you, there are Indians in India and adjacent places, and due to Columbus's mistake, there are Indians in the Americas. But in the Philipines?


    The person looks like a local Philipino, not indian Indian, nor American Indian.


    Please help me.

    Cafe Italia


    The weakest point of all, unmentioned before. is the dark end of the left chair's back: it ends in a dark setting, and that bothers me. I cannot see the end clearly. Shifting the view slightly (dropping the camera down two inches) could have put the chairback end in front of the lighter backdrop, just a fraction up above now.


    Composition always trumps focus, in my view.

  5. This is very odd: a digital camera with apparently NO depth of field. ?? Can anyone please explain?


    If there were more DOF, it would be a 4-5 pic. Just not too well composed, lit, framed, ...

  6. The previous comment states nothing but the obvious. You, I would have squinted too, looking into this low sunlight. There is nothing wrong with this picture, except for the previuos comment. Totally true image of the situation, your picture. Good framing, details, ...


    Of course it is not beautificated and homogenized like the previous commenter apparently likes his/her pics. So what? Keep taking such beauiful shots and let us rate them high 7s or 8s!



    Unless this is taken in the southern hemisphere, wheat ripens in the fall or late summer, not in spring ??


    Nice deliberate vignetting! Soft as a pinhole would take this ... More incongruencies?

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