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Image Comments posted by photobiscuits

  1. This is awesome!

    People have done this before but this time it really works. Good job!

    I might have cropped out the blown out, misshapen leg at the bottom (misshapen due to the angle) but what do I know?

    cheers very cool and very 3D looking on my monitor.

  2. I imagine they are discussing the recent earthquake that caused the buildings and earth to lean over so much. Sorry, I had to say it =)

    It's not a terrible photo, just I find that with all the people on the left side of the image, and the way all the architecture is leaning to the left, my eyes are stuck in the left corner.

    This could almost work if the people in this photo appeared to be resisting a leaning earth, some of them kind of do...the legs of the people sitting at the fountain are somewhat convincing.



    Very interesting. Amusing, fun, silly. I don't know anything about this Nabokov fellow but I like the picture. Very original, love the facial expressions.

    Silly photo, it makes me smile. I'm kind of at odds with the graininess of the pixie's skin.

    great photo, tells a little story and makes me grin.



    Awesome! Intentionally or not for me it is the figure of the mouseman on the steps that really makes this image. The weirdness of this figure, with the strangeness of the rooftops and those weird poles sticking from them and the unusual colour to this person's skin (the back) makes me interpret this as a photo that might be from an alien world.


  3. thank you guys. There's a big difference between these monitors here. on the LCD her right eye is in complete blackness and there is no detail at all in hre hair. On the CRT the white of the eye and pupil are visible in the shadow, as are the highlight in her hair.

    Also the LCD is more more vibrant in the red, where the crt is more of a warm skin colour, maybe too warm (orange).

    for now I'll tune the LCD to try and match the crt, and maybe santa will bring me a spyder for xmas.

    Thanks again for your detailed descriptions.

  4. Alright, I'm going to give this a shot. This picture looks nice andwarm on my CRT, and way too vibrant/saturated and black on my LCD. Iwonder if I can figure out which you are seeing by the ratings orcomments.

    After that, I'll look into the Spyder available at bhphotovideo for$70.00 =/

  5. I don't mind the blown out lighting. It looks like an artist's expression of the holy, blinding light of the Lord's aura.

    Honestly it's a kind of cheesy, shock value, melancholy sort of subject. The model is pretty, she has a wonderful round breast, and certainly does not look like one who has been crucified. More of an S&M, bound-and-gagged kind of feel than any serious religious commentary.

    Not pornography in a sexual sense though I can imagine some more closed minded folks being offended by this photo.

    Not a bad shot, cheers.

    Halloween 2007


    I like this photo, too. Somehow the blur just works. Look at the face of the bumblebee girl on the left, standing awkwardly pretty to the side of the attention-getters on the right. Her face is somehow the only thing in this entire, busy picture that is (almost) in focus.

    amazing. I like her =)

    edited to add: I just realized something even more amazing is that not only is the bumblebee girl's face nice and clear, but notice the eye contact! amazing.

    Katrin 00


    ...talk about stealing the show, Philippe.


    I was first drawn to Alessandro's photo because of it's Luis Royo feel. A little darker and a dirtier model would really punch that home. Good idea.

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