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Image Comments posted by photobiscuits

  1. Use levels to brighten it up. use the clone tool and healing brush to remove the bright spot on the nose and the odd, hand-shaped highlight on the forehead. Separate the man from the background by using the old (dark) image as the background and the touched up image as the man. Do a neater job than i have done in the 5 minutes I had, haha.

    ps, the sharpening above is a good idea too, but be careful not to oversharpen.



    I kind of like it, though I am not sure of the significance of the star either. It makes me think of old soviet-era pride or propaganda (?)
  2. Congrats on the POW.

    IMO the debate over whether or not this is a composite is a no-brainer. By the perspective suggested in this overall picture, the great majority of birds in this photo seem to be flying on their side, with it's left side pointed 90-or-so degrees the ground. When have you ever seen birds flying on their sides through the air, even when turning as one commenter suggested?

    As further evidence of composite, zoom in and take a look at the pixellated, chunky edge of the toe of the right shoe.

    No-brainer. A neat idea, not mindblowingly original, and would have been much more convincing had the birds in this composite been photographed flying overhead rather than from the side.



    One thing I could comment on in this series of photos is the 'fogged-paper' look they have. The whites are not white, everything is a shade of grey. I don't know if this was your intention, but I am noticing it a lot these days.

    Attached is an 'auto color' adjustment in photoshop, which I think helps this photo.

    Otherwise it is quite a nice photo.




    Thanks Roy, for all of the kind comments you have taken the time to write. This photo was taken as this 2 1/2 year old climbed the swirly slide at the park. The sun was reflecting from the steel surface of the slide into her face.

    Just one of those lucky snapshots out of the thousands that didn't work out =P

    Some sloppy photoshop helped remove the slobber (aren't kids cute) at her chin and of course cropping and colour.

    Thanks again.




    Thanks guys and thanks for the offer, Steve. I just might take you up on it when I have some time.

    Ratings are all over the place on this one. Unfortunately none of the haters care to back up their numbers - like to see what they have to say.

    cheers =)

    The road to Cozia

    awesome photo, love these earthy colours. I kind of dislike the tilt of the road, my eyes are struggling to keep from drifting to the left. Which is kind of a neat effect since if I were driving on a snowy, tilted road like that I might be struggling to keep my car from slipping to the left.

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    Oh, no i didn't mean to say it would be better in black and white...I actually like the picture as it is though just a bit brighter or more contrast (for my particular screen) would make it more visible.

    Interesting though how two people so far away with cameras can go for a walk at night and appreciate the same kind of scene =)

    cheers =)

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