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Posts posted by freelance

  1. B.J. Scharp, the roof and the crops of the roof are made with 16-35 II and 5D. I saw the problem when I bought it a few weeks ago. You can see the thread:




    The 12mm is FF and Sigma 12-24 at 12 (using it Manual Focus).


    I can get good pictures with the 16-35, but it is not the wonder everybody says.


    I thought the Sigma was a lemon but I learnt to use it and now it is my favorite for archictectural photos<div>00QPSC-62077584.thumb.jpg.4e02ab6d5059988d1bb99c54072ea6a1.jpg</div>

  2. Do not feel guilty for not having used the adapter in Europe. No need. The problem may come from the batteries or from the charger. Have you got a friend to borrow a charger? I think everybody that travel should carry two chargers. You can ruin your possibilities if the charger is lost or damaged. You can get one from 25 to 45 $ (original Canon at BH)
  3. I agree with Marc. I had this post written but could not send it because photo.net was saturated.


    The best way is trying it at home with a full battery. Leave it at the window in a dark room looking at the stars or with the close windows if the environment light is too bright. Emulate the Death Valley conditions. Check every hour or half an hour. Not many people has tried what you are going to do. I have done long exposures but the battery never run off. The cameras were different, 350D, 400D, 40D, 5D and the batteries as well. Not many people know the LP-E5 battery performance in this camera with long exposures. A new Canon, a new battery.

  4. Sorry, JDM, this first part was lost:


    Thanks, JDM, for the information. As you don’t say the model of Leica I suppose you refer to M8, a DLRS of 4500 $ that is not the tiny camera I dream (It weights 19,2 oz or 545 gr. The compact Leica D-LUX 3 ($600) is a 28 mm, not a 17 or 18. The Leica V-Lux 1 (about 800 $) is 23,6 oz and 35 mm. Both compacts lacks many of “my specifications” too.

  5. I did not say that Bob was a prophet, but that he has made an important statement. He considers TODAY that the EF-S mount was an error. I feel this long ago. I was the one who dared to do "prophecies". A few days ago a read in photo.net that somebody was waiting for the 50D. What for? What more functions can Canon add to a DLRS that is supposed to be purchased from today onwards by amateurs and semiprofessionals. If future 5D gets the same speed that the 40D, a crop factor will be needed only for telephotos in the professional field. This was my forecast.



    I think that Canon should attend a new and very wide segment of professional that are emerging. A lot of people that use the photography in their works and cannot hang a lot of gear all day or go to meetings or lunches with a Lowepro. This professionals need good pictures (very wide angle, low light to avoid flashes in many occasions, IS, video, a zoom to reach at least 80mm or more), etc, all in a ultra compact format. They are need of good IQ but not many pixels (We already know and avoid the pixels war). Pictures that fills the hard drive of hundreds of Gigas (I had to buy a HD of 1 Tera because of the pictures). Andall these proffesionals have money to afford this inexistent camera. It could be named “compact for project managers” . I also give Canon a new gift.

  6. Continuing with the “forecasting”, knowing a little bit of marketing and even less of photography, I would say that it is highly improbable that a 50D should be developed. I think that the 40D will be the last of the “deca D” saga and Canon will continue the consumers DLSR through Rebel models. FF sensors will be more available and people will tend to buy this type of cameras for professional and semiprofessional use. I said people will try to sell expensive FS-S lenses buy will keep the crop factor cameras for telephotos.


    I miss nevertheless a “point and shoot” pocket camera for professional use different than photography. It should be small, light (to put in my shirt or jacket), much wider that now (at least real 17), high iso (3200 if possible), not more that 5 megapixels but good pixels, built in flash just in case, good macro functions and 3x or even 5X optical zoom, NO DIGITAL ZOOM AT ALL. I would try to get quality without having to use RAW. Too time consuming for non professionals. And video functions.


    I would not mind to pay 1200 $ or more for this as I could use it for building, documents, meetings, machinery, events, exhibitions, samples, etc.

    It is not only my opinion but the questions I have been receiving from a lot of architects, lawyers, economists, politicians, sellers, and buyers, etc. I offer this information to Canon for free.

  7. Think: Would anybody buy a 500 mm EF-S? Why a macro (EF-S 60) that you may use even less? or a wide angle (10-22) that it is actually a 16 and will be useless when you can buy a 5D for 500 bucks? When I saw I needed, not wishing, a wide angle, I bought a 5D and wide angle EF lenses.


    Before digital era came, would any photographer have bought a "crop film camera" with "crop film lenses"? I think we have are being manipulated and in a couple of years thousands of people are going to rush to eBay to sell EF-S lenses almost for nothing.

  8. I hope that this important statement coming from an authority as Bob Atkins will finish the controversial about the inconvenience of purchasing expensive EF-S lenses. Even before thinking of buying a full frame, the part of common sense that I try to apply to everything in life made me reject something that you could only use in a specific sector of EOS cameras. Cameras with smaller sensors to make them cheaper. It is true that this cameras are excellent for telephotos, but this is accidental. The forecast is that the development of photography will make the FF the most used format in the future in DRLS.
  9. Photograpy is an art but also a need. If I want to capture a situation, for legal purposes, e.g., I do not take my 5D, my 580EX II and my tripod. I take what I have, sometimes a Nokia N95 of 5 megapixels (8 Gbytes of memory!) and shoot. It is enough. So, it depends... I need built in flashes in the tiny devices I have, that have rendered more utilty to me up to now than the DRLS's (the second ones, pleasure). Well, I am not a professional photographer but an always apprentice and amateur.
  10. Canon J11x4.5BIRSD WA Lens says “touted as the widest lens in the world” ….” An 88.7 degree angle of view in 4:3 mode and a 93.7 degree view in 16:9 make it easy to get the coverage you need”

    But 12 mm in full frame is

    FOV (vertical) (degrees): 112.6

    FOV (vertical) (degrees): 90

    FOV (diagonal) (degrees): 122<div>00QMhv-61165784.jpg.148ccb7066c147bda2dfda2af54f0c84.jpg</div>

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